After the murder of George Floyd, one journalist reflected that “The United States is living through a moment of profound and positive change in attitudes toward race, with a large majority of citizens coming to grips with the deeply embedded historical legacy of racist structures and ideas.” Was the journalist too idealistic in the above conclusion or in the proclamation that “recent protests and public reactions to George Floyd’s murder are a testament to many individuals’ deep commitment to renewing the republic’s founding ideals?”

It seemed wise that the journalist went on to take further note that “there is another, more dangerous, side to this debate – one that seeks to rehabilitate toxic political notions of racial superiority, stokes fear of immigrants and minorities to inflame grievances for political ends, and attempts to build a notion of an embattled white majority which has to defend its power by any means necessary. These notions, once the preserve (sic) of fringe white nationalist groups, have increasingly infiltrated the mainstream of American political and cultural discussion, with poisonous results.”

Yes, it is a reality that the politics of the nation at the moment seems to be putting people on a path of a deep divide. We are hearing more and more about white nationalists or pan-nationalists and the need for blacks to get ready to defend themselves. We are also hearing more of radical liberals and MAGA conservatives, socialists and purists, Christian conservatives and liberal Christians, pro-abortionist and anti-abortionist, upper class and lower class, all the labels that can be used to create a divide, are being given much emphasis. And the bills being passed in Congress and the various states and city councils do not seem interested in building bridges to change the culture of alienation at this time.

I believe the devil does all he needs to create and place us into our little silos to divide us. Or maybe I should say that Charles Darwin and his evolutionist view of “the survival of the fittest” is winning. It’s a “dog eat dog” world, and we are invited to live in it. It is the way to win, we are being told.

I am glad for the appeal from the Bible, which suggests a different view from the “dog eat dog” world. It simply says we are to “Accept one another” (Romans 15:7). I have been thinking much about what that means and have come up with the following ten suggestions.

  1. Learn to think of others. The world is not all about me – it is not all about self.
  2. Learn to overcome the fear of the other. It is easy to fear people we do not know.
  3. Learn to take some time to know the other.
  4. Learn to love the other – we are not born loving, but we can learn to love.
  5. Learn to respect every person created by God. We need to accept that we are of the one Heavenly Father.
  6. Learn forgiveness – along the path of life, it is easy to bruise each other – but learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness. Do not accept the notion that “a big person” never apologizes.
  7. Learn compassion – a lot of people are isolated and hurting. Pause a moment and listen to them and do what you can to help.
  8. Learn humility – there is too much boasting in the world. We are all of the dust together.
  9. Learn generosity – Do not think so much of what you can get, but of what you can share.
  10. Learn that the spirit of competition is often destructive. Understand that too much importance is placed on one winning over the other.

Yes, the appeal is to “Accept one another.” In another context, I have read what someone says, “This is not only an invitation; it’s a requirement.” To avoid the destruction of our homes, churches, and communities, we must learn to accept one another. We cannot live as if we are not part and parcel of a whole. God made us part and parcel of each other. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, used to speak of “The Universal Community.” We must accept it as a fact and do all we can to maintain it. May God help us to do so.

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