It is hard to see how many people’s reputations are soiled and careers destroyed these days because of slander. “Slander,” making up lies about one another for some advantage, tearing down one another with statements that have no foundation in truth, and getting false witnesses to make up stuff against people profiled as evil. We are in a heightened time when the force of slandering being unleashed has become so powerful that without the protection of the divine it would destroy us all.

Not long ago, one of my friends was kicked out of his pastorate after being called “nasty” names by some of his congregants, who heard of things that others told them he had done. My friend tried to defend himself but with no success. He was forced to resign his position after the scandal grew so loud. Although on further investigation, no one could prove what was reported, my friend’s reputation still needs to be repaired or his career restored.

What a time to live, we might say, when tabloids and social media are spreading so many falsehoods about one another. What a time to live when, in the political world, what is being called “opposition research” and “political speech” can be used to destroy the lives of one another. It has been reported that the British Tabloid and Rupert Murdoch’s family are being sued because they hacked the voicemails of thousands of people in the UK –  Crime victims, war dead,  politicians, sports stars and celebrities. All this has been done to generate headlines, sell papers and inspire cliques.

Controlling owner Rupert Murdoch has publicly apologized. His enormous media empire – including Fox News, the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal – has paid more than a billion dollars in handling the claims and legal fees since 2011. Now, his British operations have paid again – this time to the Former Cabinet Minister Chris Huhne, who says his voicemails were hacked not only for a scandalous copy but also as part of an effort to block the company’s $15 billion takeover of a vast European broadcaster.

Part of the accomplishment of Murdoch’s family has been built on their capacity for “digging up dirt” on individuals. When they cannot find the dirt, they create it. They make up lies or employ and pay vast sums of money to those experts who make up the lies. The Murdochs are now being partly judged for their actions by being sued. But if they were to ask me, I would like to tell them that is only some of the judgment they will receive. If they continue in their way without repentance, they will have to appear at the judgment seat of Christ to give account for all that they have and are doing (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:10).

What I am stating to the Murdoch family is being stated for all who engage in this trade of slander. A slanderer might not do as egregious as that done by the Murdoch, but it needs to be understood that if one child of God is being destroyed, God is taking account. Why am I so concerned about the current culture of slandering? Because I see that too many innocent persons are being destroyed. And because I am seeing that too many persons who call themselves Christians are so caught up in the culture. I have seen and heard too many Christians joining with those politicians who are doing all they can to tear down the influence of political opponents. I have seen many persons I once respected participating in destructive lies.

Slander is demonic. It is what was used against Jesus. Throughout His ministry on earth, the religious leaders tried to trap Him and stone Him, and when they could not trap Him, they found a way to pay off one of his disciples to betray Him. Then they arrested Him, and at His trial, they found two liars to slander Him. They used the lies to hand Him over to the Romans for execution, and although Pilate said that he “found no fault in Him,” he submitted to political pressure and handed Him over to be crucified. (Read the whole story in John 19).

The point being made is that slandering is cruel. It creates suspicions. It sullies reputations and creates conflicts and divisions. One can never repair the damage done through slander. For this reason, the apostle James says emphatically, “Don’t slander one another.” (James 4:11). The Apostle’s injunction was good then and still applies today. DO NOT SLANDER ONE ANOTHER.

My prayer is, “Lord, please help me to keep my tongue and stop my ears against slandering.”

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