If at all, you have been listening to the ongoing comments concerning the saga of the classified documents that have been found and taken or handed over from former President Trump’s residence in Florida and President Biden’s office in DC, and home in Delaware, and now former Vice President Pence’s home in Indiana, you have to say that you are hearing people “talking out of both sides of their mouths.”

I could hardly believe what I was listening to when I overheard an interview with the former Vice President trying to compare the papers from the home of former President Trump and that of President Biden. I need not repeat the story except that he seemed to have been talking from both sides of his mouth. And now he is very silent on the papers found in his home. This pause causes me to think that silence might be another way of speaking from both sides of one’s mouth. But, of course, my interest in this reflection is not to talk so much about former President Trump or President but instead to talk about “Talking out of both sides of one’s mouth.”

Yes, “Talking out of both sides of one’s mouth” is considered a most common phenomenon among the political class. But we cannot say that they have a special hold on it. It might be more common than one would wish. But think of company sales associates who say one thing in private and speak another in public. Or think of a person who can give such pious speeches on the one hand and then can spew so much venom on the other hand. Or think of people who give blessings on the one hand and curse on the other. Are they not speaking out of both sides of their mouths?

The apostle James had seen or heard enough of the phenomenon in the congregation when he wrote:

See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body and sets on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire by hell. For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it, we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. 10 Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? 12 Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus, no spring yields both salt water and fresh. (James 3:5lp-12 NKJV)

Why do people speak out of both sides of their mouths? I do not know all the reasons, but I am listing the nine reasons that I have observed and that are suggested in research.

  1. The way their brains process information allows them to use both sides of their mouths. This is a matter for brain scientists, so I am not to linger on it, but the scientists indicate that most people process information on one side of their brain and physically speak to the front of their mouths, but that some process differently and speak on both sides of their mouths.
  2.  They wish to deceive those about them. This is the most common belief that people figuratively from both sides of their mouths. Such is most creditable to political speakers.
  3. They lack the courage to speak the truth – “cost it what it will.”
  4. They want to appear good before others. Therefore, this group will say anything to make themselves look good.
  5. They want to appear bad before others. Surely this group will say anything to fit in. At one moment, they will bless, and at another moment, they will curse. They want to fit in with their bad friends. They want to show how “Bad” they are.
  6. They wish to cheat. Cheating is common among salespersons who speak differently of their product in public and private. It is also common among purchasers who will diminish a product to get it at a lower price but boast of the product when they take it home.
  7. They are habitual liars. These are persons who cannot restrain themselves from lying. They do not speak the truth. Anything that will suit a situation they do.
  8. They are tattlers. Those who carry news will bring a blessing and a curse from the same lips.
  9. They are trying to be diplomatic. Therefore, I do not think there is a need to comment on how some might use diplomatic language – blessing and cursing – to manipulate and control a situation.

Let me note that the intent of the reflection is not to cast aspersions at any and everyone but to encourage some personal evaluation. The question is, “Do you speak out of both sides of your mouth? Or do you follow the instruction of Jesus to “Make your Yes to be Yes and your No, No?” (Matthew 5:37). Do you bless and curse out of the same mouth?

Please take note of any contradictory words that might come out of your mouth, or look at your actions and see whether they are consistent with dignity and decency. Therefore I warn that “Double Speak” and duplicitous actions are always detrimental to the health of one’s soul and one’s body or body politic.

Finally, let us speak about what is true, honest, and honorable. Let’s ensure that our words are words of blessing instead of cursing.

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