Hello Readers,

August 31, 2022 is an auspicious day for Jain religion. On that day we pray, and in the rituals, we ask for forgiveness for our actions and thoughts, knowingly or unknowingly by word, by action or by thought for anyone including all lives. Asking for forgiveness or apologies by saying Michchami Dukaddam. If I have hurt anyone knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.

When I was passing by the parks in Essex County, I thought about how the parks were 20 years ago. What a difference. We all must give high marks to County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo. With his leadership, he changed (improved is the smaller word for these changes) the parks, especially Essex County’s pride, the Turtle Back Zoo.

The residents of Jackson, Mississippi has a huge problem due to floods, freezing rain and water pump station not working properly. In 2016, Jackson was in all over news for their lead levels in the water at the time of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s election fight in 2016. Flint Michigan was more known for its problems, but Jackson was in the news as well. This is an emergency situation, as the residents cannot even go to a toilet with peace of mind.

Per a CNN report: “Mississippi’s capital city has long had a water problem. But this summer, pumps at the main water treatment facility were damaged, and then last week, flooding of the Pearl River after heavy rains affected treatment processes, Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba said. Now there’s not enough water pressure to serve some 180,000 people in the city…People told CNN’s Ryan Young that they have been catching rainwater to flush their toilets and even to brush their teeth with it. And some said they tried to bathe their children in the brown water that came out of their faucets…It was 91 degrees in Jackson on Tuesday when cars were lined up for more than a mile to get one case of 24 12-ounce bottles of water at one of the distribution sites. Some waited more than 2 and a half hours, only to reach the front of the line and be told that the water was all gone.”

Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev, a very polarizing figuring during the time of US President Ronald Reagan, has died at the age of 91. He brought changes to Russia when it had big economic problems, all while it was still the Soviet Union. He appointed all his cabinet members from Russia and improved relations with the rest of the world, especially with the West.

The same thing can happen in our own community. One good leader can change the lives of hundreds of thousands. I hope our leaders can make a good overhaul of the system and benefit the community for good. As a community, we should watch our leaders and support them when they are trying to make improvements in the community. We as a community cannot make a difference ourselves, but with the support of a good leader we can bring some betterment to our lives. We can identify the problems and try to solve them with the support of the administration. However, you must express your opinion about any subject affecting your livelihood.

NASA’ Artemis 1 Moon Rocket Launch was postponed due to some engine problems during the filling of the rocket with propellants. The U.S. space agency is projected to spend $93 billion on the Artemis moon program up to FY 2025. The SLS rocket stands 322 feet tall and will weigh 5.75 million pounds. It is very essential for the US to expand our space program as the future will be different with the latest technology merging in our lives.

Have a wonderful week. I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
