From the Pastor’s Heart OP-ED  BY  DR.  ROBERT  KENNEDY

The topical phrase, “It is finished,” has been used multiple times since the conclusion of the 2020 presidential election. Most of the News Media have announced it. The poll workers have said it. The recounts have affirmed it. The certifiers have declared it. The courts have upheld it. And the majority of the population who are living in the realm of reality have agreed to it. The president-elect and his team are preparing for the transition.

On the other side, the president who has lost the vote, his attorneys, and many who have accepted the peddling of his conspiracy theories are declaring that the election is not finished. They believe that the president will be declared the winner at the appropriate time and will be given a second term. The attorneys contesting the election results have lost or withdrawn just about every case that has been filed, and now they are engaging in a media blitz declaring the election stolen.

The president has raised over $170,000,000 for legal fees or for launching a future campaign in 2024. Of course, this might be speculations, for no one really knows what he is about to do. What is of interest is that millions of people are giving him money to carry on the fight, and are convinced that he has a legitimate case that will one day win out. They cannot believe that “It is finished.”

The perspective of the two sides over the understanding of the phrase “It is finished” reminds me of those last words Jesus spoke while in agony on the cross. Just before he gave up his last breath, he recited the words, “It is finished.” Those who have reflected on the words have said they are profoundly weighty words. They were words of victory.

Such words suggest the following:

· The work that He had come to the earth to do was complete.

· The salvation of humanity was secured.

· The sacrifice that He came to offer on behalf of humanity was acceptable and accepted. 

· The reign of sin would cease.

· Satan’s power was broken.

· Death would be banished.

· Sorrow and sighing will be terminated.

· The distress that has been brought on the human race is at its end.

· The world is in transition mode, from Before Christ (death mode) to After Christ (Resurrection mode).

One writer reflecting on the phrase repeats its backdrop from the Bible this way:

When the loud cry, “It is finished!” came from the lips of Christ, it was the hour of the evening sacrifice. The lamb representing Christ had been brought to be killed. The priest stood with the knife lifted, the people looking on. But the earth trembled, for the Lord, Himself drew near. With a ripping noise, the inner veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom by an unseen hand, throwing open to the gaze of the crowd a place once filled with the presence of God. The Most Holy Place of the earthly sanctuary was no longer sacred. – (HH 348.7)

Terror and confusion were everywhere. The priest was about to sacrifice the victim, but the knife dropped from his unnerved hand, and the lamb escaped. Symbol had met fulfillment. The great sacrifice had been made. A new and living way was prepared for all. Afterward, the Savior was to officiate as Priest and Advocate in the heaven of heavens. “He entered once for all into the Holy Place … with his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption.” Hebrews 9:12, NRSV. – (HH 349.1)

Yes, the words, “It is finished” were recited, and Christ died. The earth quaked in confirming it. The heavens became dark in affirming it. The repentant thief on his cross accepted it. The soldiers around the cross declared it. Indeed, they said, “This is the Son of God,” meaning that they knew something significant had taken place. The faithful of God, who were standing by the cross, believed it and received it. The disciples and the church that was formed after the cross went out and proclaimed it.

It is sad but true that there were, and still are, unbelieving folks who have never accepted it. Greatest of all, don’t be shocked; Satan knew it was over, but kept telling himself, his angels, and all who have decided to join in his train that “It is not over until it’s over.” He is pretending that he will win in the ninth inning, use a baseball phraseology, or in the last 30 seconds before the buzzer (to use a basketball terminology).

Although Satan knows he is defeated, he continues to fight. He also realizes that he has billions of adherents since launching his attack upon God’s character with his conspiracy theories concerning God’s love and justice. He is not about to give in. Even though the words, “It is finished,” uttered from the cross, signals Satan’s death knell, he is still in a vicious struggle to keep the world in bondage.

Do I need to tell you that no matter how hard Satan fights, he is a loser? One of these days, God is going to restate the last words, “It is finished.” I love to read those words as they appear in Revelation, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega – the Beginning and the End.” (Revelation 21:6). With the banishment of Satan and his hosts accomplished (read Revelation 20), a new earth will be created for the human family (Revelation 21-22). 

I do not know about you, but here is for me the most significant moment of anticipation. I am looking forward to the consummation of history, as God will say it again, “It is finished.” The court case will be over. The fight will be over. The last battle will be won. The transition is not about to take place; it will have taken place. We will then be safe from the forces of demons. Let us, therefore, rest our cases in God’s hands, for all will be well that ends well.

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By Dhiren
