The word “preparation” has just popped into my mind as the new variant of COVID-19 called Omicron has been announced. Omicron is a letter of the Greek Alphabet. And I do not know that you care to understand what the letter looks like, but I trust that you take the variant seriously as efforts are being made to use it as a tool of deception.

Take a moment to listen to those giving the right information on the direction the variant is going. Let me trust that you are not among those denying the reality or offering insults to people like the older student I met in my college cafeteria line. He was standing ahead of me with an open book in his hands, seemingly studying while waiting to get his meal. I was a college freshman, and in those days, some older guys thought that a new guy was to be seen and not heard. I ignored that unwritten rule and dared to inquire what the guy was studying.

Without lifting his head from the page, he matter of factly said, “Greek.” My curiosity got hold of me, so I looked on the page he was reading and pointed to a word, then asked him, “what does that mean?” His response was, “even if I told you, you would not understand.”

I was miffed at his response, but I kept my cool and just stared at him. The next year I was studying Greek, and with advanced studies, my knowledge of Greek outstripped his.

Of course, my point is not to boast about my knowledge of Greek. Instead, my desire is to encourage you to do all you can to understand Omicron and the efforts the scientists are making to beat it. In addition, share your understanding with others as best as possible and help them cooperate with the preparation and efforts to mitigate Omicron and the other Covid variants.

Yes, I know that many people do not understand Greek and do not care to know what Omicron or any other variant with a Greek name means. However, but denying the reality of the virus and its variants will not help with any mitigation. We cannot be sticking our heads in the sand, like the Ostrich, with the hope that by the time we pull out our heads, the danger will be gone. No! We need to acknowledge the reality and do our best to alleviate or lessen the impact.

When the first wave of the COVID-19 started, some sought to explain it and give clear warnings.  Here are some guidelines we were given as we prepared to deal with it:

1. Do not deny the deadly nature of the disease

2. Learn how to clean surfaces

3. Wash your hands thoroughly

4. Change your outer garments when you get to your house from the streets

5. Increase your vitamins intake to build up your resistance

6. Focus on your diet to make sure you have the proper nutrients in your bodies

7. Wear masks to make sure that you protect yourself against particle exchange entering your air passages

8. Keep social distances – 6 feet at least

9. Do not assemble in large crowds

10. Take the vaccination for mitigation

11. Clean your air filters

12. I cannot remember everything, but these guidelines are helpful for our survival

Now that two years have passed since we first learned of the virus and have seen the devastation and death that it has caused, we can say that only a “fool” would keep denying it. Did I say “fool?” Yes, I meant it biblically when it says, “Fools make a mock at sin.” (Proverbs 14:9). “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” (Psalm 14:1). “The fool does not seek understanding” (Psalm 92:6).

When I see that there are contradicters and rejecters of the virus and people finding every opportunity to deny, defraud and destroy, my heart hurts. But I understand the reality, for the biblical warning is clear “Do not be deceived.” (Galatians 6:7)

Yes, the last days are here; and whether we want to observe it from human behavior or climate change, or not, we know that time is running out. An end stands before us. And, we are told that in the last days of earth’s history, people will be “deceived.” (cf. 1 Timothy 4:1). But, unfortunately, some people are taking the vaccination while telling others that the virus and variants are a hoax. Some might even be willful as the guy I met in the cafeteria line, by saying, “Even if I told you, you would not understand.”

Well, the best I can say, go study for yourself; you might not know Greek, but you know the consequences of a disease. Let us not be so arrogant that we think that hiding from the available knowledge does us any favor. Again, the Bible says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6)

My point is to ask, to read and listen to authentic sources; and do not be deceived.

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By Dhiren
