I cannot recall when I signed up to be in a social media group that I am in. Sometimes I regret that I am in it, while at other times, I am thankful that I am in it because I have an opportunity to observe the diverse actions of so many people- some I know and others I do not know.

One of the things I observed this week, as I am sure you might have observed yourself, at some point, is that many people who are sharing information have never read what they are sharing. The quick time in which they turn around information shared with them is evidence that they could not have read it. Some people also get outraged and defensive at what they think they might have seen, allowing others to know there was no careful analysis of what they saw.

Of course, let me observe that I have seen that a few individuals who have been challenged in what they share are humble enough to say, “Sorry, I did not really read it; I just passed it on as it was sent to me.” What a time to live in.

This is a valid question we might ask ourselves. People are being subjected to more and more deception because only a few are taking the time to get the knowledge they ought to and share what is right to be shared. Too many individuals are struggling with (1) ignorance, (2) arrogance, (3) negligence, and (4) fear. And we are not to doubt the consequences. Let me quote a few Bible passages to support what I have just enumerated.


Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”

Isaiah 5:13, “Therefore my people go into exile for lack of knowledge; their honored men go hungry, and their multitude is parched with thirst.” (ESV).


Hosea 4:6, “Because you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you.”

Jeremiah 5:4, “Then I said, ‘They are only the poor; they have played the fool, for they do not know the way of the LORD, the justice of their God.’”


Proverbs 10:21, “The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of judgment.”


Isaiah 35:4, “Speak to those who have a fearful heart.”

Check out the consequences.

If you have paused to read the above texts carefully, I am sure you have seen the consequences of ignorance, arrogance, negligence and fear as I have outlined them. There might be more consequences evident to you, but here I list eight obvious to me.

1. Personal destruction

2. Exile

3. Condemnation – judgment

4. The betrayal of justice

5. Disease – Deteriorated health

6. Destitution

7. Deception

8. Death

If you do not care to note what has been extracted from the Bible, just think of what is happening in the social and mass media world concerning the pandemic and vaccinations. Have you noticed that ignorance, arrogance, negligence and fear have led to many of the consequences we face? I have taken this circuitous route to remind us, again, as the prophet Hosea did, that “a people without understanding will come to ruin.” (Hosea 4:14)

In effect, let us pause, humble ourselves, take time to read, take time to analyze what we read and ask God for understanding so that we will not be deceived, destroyed or subjected to premature death.

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By Dhiren
