Religious themes discussed. Reader discretion is advised.
Check out the draft below and visit to read the full story in the Entertainment section. The photo accompanied here is a pic of my Granny’s child. I bought the hat for her, and when her mom put it on her, she went right into pose mode. At 6 months, she is such an actress. I told my daughter that she looks like D Dog from D Block, who’s promoting that golden grill. By the looks of that pic, she ain’t buying it, and neither am I.
Don’t forget to check out my daily portal session on my Andrea Dialect Facebook lab page. JOIN THE COLLECTIVE – ENTER and FIND BURIED TREASURE THAT KEEPS TURNING UP every morning. See ya at around 5 or 6 a.m. perhaps. Also, follow my msdialect Instagram. Like, follow, and share and check out my FINE ART photography!
Welcome to this written puzzle. The beginning of this story draft has been placed below. In this ending in which we now speak, we are nearly at the end of the live marketing free workshop that I attended, and two very important things popped up for mental purchase that I just ain’t buying from the moderator of this big-ticket platform.
Number one: when she said, and I quote, “Don’t mess with those industries; we want to make money. Your stuff will remain on folk’s desks too long, and you will be waiting for this person and that person. You don’t want to do that. We want to make big money.”
The woman’s joy of service as she initially candidly spoke of her enjoyment of creating workshops for people in prison and for schools, pouring into the education of children and humanity, was apparent. By the time she finished with that discussion after being unmuted, as the so-called guru spoke, I could hear the wind being sucked out of her sail and the sailboats of all those others in attendance redirected from the shallow waters perhaps into the gushing winds of those high tides.
Lastly, this other person who had the opportunity to dawn the mic after the unmute was quite mind-boggling. On four different occasions, she had been muted and reminded of the mission of her statements. The questions asked had to be pertinent to the subject matter – things like money, coaching, sales, and once again, money. Our facilitator had been coaching as fishing for sales from jump, and we all hung in there, serving on those boards for around 45 minutes of the 90-minute wade. But this was only to be a synchronized swim, as with most of those business or political pool parties.
But each time she clicked that woman back on with that powerful unmute button because that woman stood her ground and continued her pleas for help, I LOVED HER. Undoubtedly, God was telling me at the time that He’d rather I listen to her pleas on that Sunday than His listen once again to mine.
Finally, the 4th time, in saving face, Missy gave her the floor and asked her what she wanted. I quote, “I got so much going on. They’re trying to ruin me at my job. I need help. I need y’all to pray for me.” Those were the two times that I wish I could’ve teleported into that woman’s posh executive space, snatched the mic, and unmuted all.
I mean, that was the only two times when, in that space – not meaning when I am out there in space in our world, our countries, our states, our towns, our communities, our homes – the question is SHOULD WE CARE OR SHOULD WE NOT? Which I’m not buying into because, for me, it’s not a question. Oh my word, I AIN’T BUYING THAT!
(This is where it starts)
When a new year is dawning, of 365 days beginning, it is a practice of mine to sit in the pews of the church, paying my dues and making those pleas so that the Good Lord might consider me and mine. Even more so, for me, it is the place to be.
This year, I had not. Although I wasn’t in those pews, I was going in strong when the clock struck twelve, humbly making those pleas. This past Sunday was the first Sunday of the year, and I had strong intentions of being in church, humbly sitting on those pews. But once again, unfortunately, I couldn’t.
They say that God works in mysterious ways, and boy does He. Ironically, in both instances, I found God to be the orchestrator. Because on both of these days, there had been such an outpour of witty ideas and inspiration that, if I wanted, I could create content for this entire year.
What had been downloaded there in the silence when it was just Him and me. Ironically, on Sunday, an infomercial reel popped up on my phone, which was due to start at the exact time of church service. I preregistered, and when that notification pinged in my digital mailbox, I clicked the link and zoomed in. I popped up in the Zoom, and for around 90 minutes, I remained on the hook.
This very well-known influencer really did have it going on – her success rate was unbelievable. I thought that I was simply going to gain useful marketing strategies, but the head honcho granted me something else. Its value is priceless, and I shall reap those dividends until I take my last gulp. Logically, those juicy details will remain between me and God.
What do you think? Did that scenario pop up during that pop-up to show me how urgently I need to care – or we need to care – about those that need to care? Whose wellness check is it? Inquiring mind needs to know!
The Observation Booth is utilized as a space for Andrea Dialect to stumble through, which aids in life and brand development. It can also be used by readers, subjects, and features to assist or advance our world or their own. It is a peek into one’s world from the outside. It is also for the development of content.
Everything printed here is in draft form; thus, error is welcomed and to be expected. Everything is constantly evolving, is her mantra. Seeing the work in printed format is the initial step and is quite valuable and therapeutic for developing all forms. Like Everything, Andrea Dialect uses this space as a test lab for test study and a test subject.
Here you will also find influencers, professionals, and muses who are considered “clay” who lend their image to change as doing us proud who are contributors to the upward progress of human progress. It is a platform for the growth, inspiration, motivation, and development of herself, her subjects, and her readers. Enjoy!
The most recent results, obtained Feb. 21-28, 2023, are based on 5,167 U.S. adults surveyed by web as part of the Gallup Panel, a probability-based panel of about 100,000 adults across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Respondents were asked, “Has a doctor or nurse ever told you that you have depression?” and “Do you currently have or are you currently being treated for depression?” Both metrics are part of the ongoing Gallup National Health and Well-Being Index.