Forgery is an art form in so many respects. That is what the true meaning of this story and this holiday has shown me. CHRISTMAS has come thus this week’s draft submission was a given. Check out the Madonna by reading the draft below and visit to read the full story in the Entertainment section. Don’t forget to follow my msdialect Instagram and Andrea Dialect Lab pages and Portal Sessions. Like, follow, and share!
This Is The Authentic Image Of The Madonna; Logically Her Image Will Foster Attempts To Be Replicated Once Again!
… TAKE 1: Last night’s conversation with a friend triggered recall, and I remembered an occurrence that happened several months ago: I was walking with my Granny’s son Phenomenal, who was about 6 at the time and as we were passing one of the Army recruitment offices, I came across one of my boys. He came out, and we stood there chatting for about an hour or so. By this time, Phenomenal had gotten quite comfortable with him. He’d gone into the office and got him a Bible, a pad & pencils, crayons, and a couple of other things.
So at that point, Phenomenal was sold! He was being deployed that day. So, there I was, dishing the ol’ motherly advice and whatnot. As we were leaving, he walked us a ways and then doubled back. As we were midways crossings the intersection, Phenom stops short and starts calling back to Jah. With his hands waving, he shouts, “WAIT, WAIT, Mr. Jah! WAIT, Mr. Jah!” (“Jah responds, “What’s up, Phenom?”) With full force and one of the most serious faces I’ve ever seen, Phenomenal shouts back, “DON’T GET KILLED!”
I suppose that Jah had given Phenom something, and he wanted to give something back. I was able to use that this morning when lying in bed wrestling with myself. Amazingly, “not getting killed” as a defense is basically just being still and allowing myself to be engulfed by whatever comes. Never selling my soul, never trading my birthright to it, for it. Never denouncing purpose nor my GOD!
That is a powerful statement. But something showed up in my dream last night that will aid me in future fights even more so. In my dream, I was constantly being bombarded by the imagery of Africa. Images quite similar to those often shown by the media—the usual mayhem and scarcity. Then I began seeing flashes of a familiar image that now, like nothing else, can galvanize my God-given ability to fight.

That image of the African woman and child is not new to me. It has been stuck in my head since I was young. Throughout the years, I have seen several images of various women and children. Same scenario; just woman and child sitting in the middle of nowhere surrounded by dirt, dust, and nothingness with flies resting on them and flying all about. This was always shown in the media, and I was infuriated by it and ashamed of it.
But last night, that image became something different. When I saw it before, I saw it as a public display of lack or the galvanizing of it in one’s head in support of it, all under the guise of help. Also, the father’s absence was appalling to me. But the child became very significant last night.
There they are, in the middle of nothingness with flies all about. Do you know how much of a nuisance flies are? But this child is not crying. He has not succumbed to the pangs of hunger, and he is young. So, can you imagine the strength of his father? The father’s strength is displayed in his seed. Nonetheless, the power is in the gaze. It’s dead-on at cha. They don’t blink. Their focus is unwavering under the hand of the annoyances. Unmoving under the hand of scrutiny , the veiled sarcasm and unaffected by the taunts of DEATH!
These two knew their image quite well before the cameras started rolling. That image says, Yes, tell them, show them. Tell them we are unmoved by the illusion of nothingness. We do not buckle under the manipulation of force. We are certain of who we are and why we are here. Yes, show them and tell them that we are here.
THIS IS THE AUTHENTIC IMAGE OF THE MADONNA; LOGICALLY, ONCE AGAIN, HER IMAGE WILL FOSTER ATTEMPTS TO BE REPLICATED. WHAT A COMPLIMENT! All these years, my views had been distorted. I am certain now that in all our blindness, our MOTHER, and CHILD and OUR FATHER recognize us to be in the worst way.
It’s like this African guy I met a couple years back. He came to me and says that he had been watching me walk for a while. He went on to ask me, in his native accent, “WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU?” I said, “What am I?” Then he says, “Yes, where are you from? Where are you born?” I was born here, and I’m American. I was raised in Paterson. So he says with this sorrowful look in his eyes, “OH, I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU!” Yet, I’d been looking at AFRICA with pity.
We must reevaluate strength. We must reevaluate war; we must reevaluate fight. In our darkest hour, there are times when we must simply STAND. Fighting doesn’t always mean throwing your hands up. War doesn’t always imply bombs being dropped and boots on the ground. Just because I don’t look like your worst nightmare doesn’t mean I ain’t! When countering nonprovocative defense strategies one must be strategic, that’s strategy.
Thus, also when you are at war, that real fight – like fear, uncertainty, lust, rage, pity, and all those things hidden behind the guise of normalcy and other people and help – when you need genuine aid. First and foremost, WATCH! Then, conjure up the image of the two. Know that the father’s absence (God) means this is his light work. But if you need him, he’ll be there. You’ll hear those voices echoing out. Look ’em dead in the eyes. Don’t you blink… Don’t You DIE!

The Observation Booth is utilized as a space for Andrea Dialect to stumble through, which aids in life and brand development. It can also be used by readers, subjects, and features to assist or advance our world or their own. It is a peek into one’s world from the outside. It is also for the development of content.
Everything printed here is in draft form; thus, error is welcomed and to be expected. Everything is constantly evolving, is her mantra. Seeing the work in printed format is the initial step and is quite valuable and therapeutic for developing all forms. Like Everything, Andrea Dialect uses this space as a test lab for test study and a test subject.
Here you will also find influencers, professionals, and muses who are considered “clay” who lend their image to change as doing us proud who are contributors to the upward progress of human progress. It is a platform for the growth, inspiration, motivation, and development of herself, her subjects, and her readers. Enjoy!
Paintings and images of the Madonna and Child symbolize the unconditional love between a mother and child, and have been an important Christian symbol for centuries:
- Mary: Represents the church’s claims of faith, purity, and mercy
- Jesus: Symbolizes eternal life
- Mother-child bond: The intimate union of the mother and child, and the mystery of salvation
- Biological resemblance: Artists have often depicted Baby Jesus as a “mini me” of Mary, possibly due to the reality of their biological resemblance
- Mary’s role: The blue mantle of the Virgin Mary symbolizes her role as the Queen of Heaven, and her red gown symbolizes the blood of Christ
The depiction of the Madonna and Child has evolved over time, influenced by society’s changing views of women. Cultural depictions of the Madonna and Child can also be discriminatory, as they can portray the dominant culture of a particular country or a people.
What is form defined as art?
In terms of art, form refers to objects that are 3-Dimensional, or have length, width, and height. The world we live in made up almost entirely of forms. As artists, we must have a strong understanding of form and how to create the illusion of form in drawings and paintings.
Countries are still technically at war. This is still a country at war. There are large sections of society with whom they are perpetually at war.