“You’re Worried About Diddy When Your Eyes Should Be On Our Cites… Better Yet, On That House, And On This World!”

Since its inception, the Human Trafficking Hotline has identified 100,891 cases of human trafficking. 197,000 victims were identified in these cases in the states.

Community efforts can help reduce the demand for sex and labor trafficking, including: Not buying sex, Not participating in the commercial sex industry, Buying fair trade and survivor-made products, and holding brands accountable for fair labor practices.

Today’s draft submission is a Page Jacker. No images to be found here today, use your own head. My intentions were to submit something else when this topic once again was thrown at me like a boulder, and I repeat… When it comes to Diddy, I don’t give one. If one more person tells me about what Diddy did, I’m going to run into traffic or pull my own hair out.

Those guys got a good laugh of it when we were chopping it up, as they say, yesterday. But I am so serious. I don’t know about you, but I do not want to enter the dungeons with fancy imaginary 3D glasses on and peer at children or little boys, girls or whomever else being violated or victimized by men, women or whatever else in my head. I need not hear the juicy details or look upon the many who act out those Hollywood scripts, which become box office hits, nor those top-slot takers who, like your boy Diddy, act out the roles they were taught to play.

I don’t know if Diddy did or didn’t, but what I do know is that humanity is the craziest and most gullible species on the planet. This whole Diddy thing is just another rattle thrown in your crib. And just like that little one, while you’re being distracted by that rattle, you are totally unaware of what is going on in the house. As Americans, our focus needs to be on the house. If instead of being at play, we take a look at the position that the crib is really in, we’d revert that focus to the folk that run the house.

In no way am I making light of the allegations or the said evidence, if evident. All who have succumbed to such and have been victimized deserve closure, ushered in by justice. But for all those who have found this to be the ultimate come-up, and many have such as the influencers that have gone viral giving you the 411 laden with gossip or hyperbole – those who are unlawfully using the upholding of law, once again strategically, as rules for others but feel at liberty to break themselves. Those who sat snug as a bug, without regret, for all this time, and have now find a sense of moral urgency.

Let’s just say all those into numbers that become a shout-out and a tool to construct that social proof, join the ranks or stroke that ego. Or the chess players who play religiously and effortlessly misguide us sheeplings in their lifelong positions as puppeteers. Mark my word. The next move is likely to drop a few names of supposed participants, if not in November when we press the pause button on those shenanigans, hopefully as you’re heading to the polls – the day of or a few days shy of it.

Puff Daddy, I think that’s still his name, is not a person as most so-called celebrities or socialites, if you will, that will register on my radar as a demigod. Gold rings on pinky fingers, diamond chip-studded discs dangling from necks, zeros behind names, portfolios, brand names, stories or credits for raps or songs, written by them, stolen or not – none of it impresses me. I’m nobody’s groupie for sure. The only person I might say I like in that industry is Anita Baker, because I’ve found her work to be intriguing and the ultimate vocal training exercise, which I utilize to develop my performance technique, but that’s as far as it goes.

Like the good book says, the one most say ain’t so good (but works when I worked it every single time): “Trust no man.” A directive since the beginning of time! I use that one often, like a tight little bow, which concludes my participation in such small talk. But Michael’s lyrical face-slap reigns as champion when I come across the unbelievable craziness laden in all that gossip or convo among us humanoids. “Why? Tell them that it’s human nature!”

Sex trafficking, molestation, and incest are rampant in this befallen world. To such an extent that there should be such a continuous public outcry that you’d need a set of earplugs when exiting the house. Sadly, despite such abuse and horrific crimes, over so many years I exit my home to the sound of crickets. Unfortunately, such abuse, in one way or another, is or has been acted out by the hands of those from our own gene pool, whether omitted or admitted when it comes to that family history, or sometimes is being or had been even perpetrated in our own house. Thus, perhaps we should take those stones we’ve collected from our pocketbooks or back pockets and toss them away, but keep one to bop ourselves upside the head for turning a blind eye to things of such importance.

Let’s sin no more and remember the nature of man and woman when it comes to houses. Our homes and that House dubbed White. If we must look at what Diddy did, by pointing that finger we can also use it to place on our temples to force the reminder of such alleged horrors to aid us in the vetting process as we fill in those circles and push them buttons.

If we had the spiritual power to pull back that veil and get a bird’s-eye view of the psychotic nature of man – that goes for government, leadership of every kind, and the lot. Nobody is exempt. We’d be begging God for a repeat of the downpour that Moses and his fam endured after the flood, or a replay of the ghostly destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah when man had fallen so low that the entire place had to be wiped out. Oh yeah, that’s another reference from that book called the Bible, the one many folks don’t like. But if nothing else, for mere entertainment, check it out – it’s a heck of a story.

When it comes to Houses painted White, the ones of lesser evil? Perhaps, don’t allow those you follow or those followers to lure you into the dungeons. Darkness consumes everything it touches. As they say, “See no evil, hear no evil, speak none.” Whoever did whatever shall pay. No, silly, justice may not be by the law from those swaddled in robes or the twelve in boxes, but by the Big Kahuna himself, God. Each shall pay. It is Law!

When it comes to Diddy, I don’t give one. Besides, most who partake in the witch hunt are those who put ‘em there or watched their rise. But, out of envy and jealousy they long to partake in dragging you off those rungs, to join them at the bottom. People love to watch a fall.

When it comes to things that likely could make this world go pop as opposed to pop culture – that house, my house, our cities – No Diddy, that’s what this is all about. The billions on this planet that should take precedence and in November, the front man or woman entering our house not theirs. That needs to be our focus!


  • Estimated number of victims

In the United States, the number of women and children forced into sexual slavery each year is estimated to be between 15,000 and 50,000. However, the exact number is difficult to determine due to the underground nature of the crime. 

Here are some statistics on sex trafficking and racketeering: 

  • Human trafficking victims

In 2021, an estimated 50 million people were victims of modern slavery, including 27.6 million in forced labor and 22 million in forced marriage. 

  • Sex trafficking victims

70% of the 600,000–800,000 people trafficked across international borders each year are female, and 50% are children. 

  • Human trafficking profits

Human trafficking generates an estimated $150 billion in illicit profits annually for traffickers and those who help facilitate the crime. 

  • Racketeering cases

From 2012 to 2022, U.S. attorneys offices concluded 1,131 investigations into violations under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), investigating 4,698 people. 

  • Labor racketeering cases

In 2023, eight labor racketeering cases were opened in the United States between April 1 and September 30. 

Community efforts can help reduce the demand for sex and labor trafficking, including: Not buying sex, Not participating in the commercial sex industry, Buying fair trade and survivor-made products, and Holding brands accountable for fair labor practices. 

A range of child sexual abuse prevalence rates has been derived from these studies. These studies suggest the child sexual abuse prevalence rate for girls is 10.7% to 17.4%* and the rate for boys is 3.8% to 4.6

Between 1980 and 2022, around 15 percent of families in the United States reported to have had an event of incest in the family, while around 46 percent of rape victims who were children were raped by someone in their own family. Only 20 percent of incest victims reported the crime to law enforcement.


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