Hello Readers,

New York City pays about $300 per night for 16,500 hotel rooms each in Manhattan to house migrants. NYC settled with the Hotel Association to pay $77 million dollars to 15 hotels in Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens for 28 days through July. This is the backup plan signed by the city in January 2024.

They can use these rooms if the shelters are full, and they need the rooms to accommodate the migrants. After 28 days, families who are still seeking shelter will be directed to the city’s Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers to receive another placement venue, spending more taxpayer money.

In 2024, the budget for migrants will be $2.4 billion as stated by NYC mayor Eric Adams earlier this year, and Governor Kathy Hochul approved it in February 2024. The total estimated budget for the migrants is $12 billion according to NYC Mayor Adams.

On May 22, American Airlines Flight 832 from Phoenix to New York was disrupted due to one of the airline’s white male workers complaining about a black passenger smelling of bad body odor. They found eight black passengers on the flight and asked them to get off the plane, forcing them to take another flight to New York with the same flight ticket. Out of eight passengers, three were on connecting flights and had no problem flying from Los Angeles to Phoenix.

Several black people were removed from a flight just by one complaint. They have filed a lawsuit against American Airlines. This is a racism issue. It will not be resolved by simply giving some money to those affected. They must make some kind of system so that no other employee or passenger ever pulls off this kind of racist incident again. Yes, there are times when people will smell, but that does not mean that you generalize black people or any other people. It is racism in my opinion.

Trump has been convicted. He will still get protection from the secret service. With the law as it stands, Trump will receive lifetime protection, even if he is in jail. We don’t know what kind of judgment he will receive on July 11, 2024. However, since the change in law in 2012, the 10 years of protection has been changed to lifetime protection.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party won 240 seats. While he has become popular in the world, for whatever reason, his party has less seats this year than in the last election in 2019 (303 seats). With his coalition partner, he has over 300 seats, which is a clear majority. Still, he has to work and bend down to other smaller parties to be elected Prime Minister. In India, 543 members of Parliament (equals to Senators in the U.S.) vote to elect the Prime Minister.

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, known as Claudia Sheinbaum, will be the first female president in Mexico’s 200-plus year history. She was born in Mexico, has Jewish and Mexican mixed heritage, is a Nobel Prize winner, and previously serving in the cabinet of the administration. Best of luck to her and hopefully she can bring a better and peaceful life for Mexicans.

Hunter Biden’s criminal case is underway. If convicted on all counts, he can go to jail for up to 25 years. Trump and Hunter Biden both are first time offenders. Let’s see what happens.

Hunter’s father, President Joe Biden, made an executive order to limiting asylum seekers. Still, per the rules, 912,500 per year can still cross. Each asylum seeker cost about $45,000 per year, which is about more than $41 billion of taxpayer’s money.

Have a wonderful week. I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren

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