By Dhiren Shah

As a critical election approaches for the residents of Orange, NJ, I contacted all three mayoral candidates on or about April 19, 2024. All agreed with me that I would take their interviews on May 6, 2024, as I was on vacation until Sunday, May 5th.

I prepared the questions as a neutral person for all three candidates. I contacted all three candidates again on Sunday, May 5th, 2024 and the morning of Monday, May 6th to confirm details such as times and locations.

On May 6th, I got a reply from Mayor Dwayne Warren as follows, word for word:

“Good Afternoon: Thank you for reaching out to me and for your interest in covering the Orange mayoral election. However, based on advise of counsel, I politely decline your offer for me to participate in an interview with Local Talk. Yours in Service, Mayor Dwayne D. Warren, ESQ.”

With that in mind, I am placing the questions I would have asked the Mayor here for the community to ask him, as they are vitally important in determining the future of Orange and its residents. If he chooses to answer them or not answer them with the residents should they ask, that is his prerogative.


  1. Why are you running for Mayor of Orange for a fourth term?
  2. What do you feel is the biggest issue in Orange right now?
  3. For each of your opponents, what would you consider their biggest success and biggest failure?
  4. What do you think is your biggest success and biggest failure?
  5. Did you collude with the city clerk to get Line 1A on the ballot?
  6. Why do you feel the need to give PILOT (Pay in Lieu of Taxes) programs to many real estate developers under your regime? How many PILOT programs under your regime you allowed and why?
  7. One of the biggest criticisms of your administration is that several positions are filled with either relatives or close associates. How would you reassure residents that they were hired on merit rather than nepotism?
  8. Are you impartial when it comes to disciplining your selected group of employees in cases of wrongdoing?
  9. Several outlets have posted negative items about Quantavia Hilbert, but these publications only came into existence months ago during election season. Do you think this is appropriate?
  10. As per the law, no one can campaign in senior citizens buildings. However, while your competing candidates are barred, per our sources, your staff campaigns for you in those buildings. What is your response?
  11. How would you describe the state of the country right now?
  12. Residents have expressed concerns about the rising taxes in Orange over the past 12 years. Although some revenue has increased due to new developments being approved, this additional revenue has not yet offset the continuing increase in taxes for homeowners. What is your plan to address current homeowner concerns over these continuing tax increases?
  13. With the increase in developments being approved, parking issues continue to be problematic for residents after they return from work. Although Orange ordinances are written to have more than 1 space per unit be made available for the new buildings, there have been instances where developments have been approved and the parking space requirements were bypassed and lessened to under 1 space per unit for developers. How does your administration plan to address residents’ concerns over available parking?
  14. Although you have claimed recently in ads and public appearances that Orange Student Achievement scores have risen, state data shows that Orange student test scores have actually dropped. Although city hall no longer has any official role in education within the city, what can be done at the municipal level to bolster the efforts of the school district?
  15. While surrounding cities have announced ongoing construction for new and improved libraries, the current plans for the improvement of Orange Public Library are relatively unknown. It is known that in the recent past, Orange missed the application deadline for millions in state funding for library improvements. What is currently being done to secure more funding or revenue to upgrade Orange Public Library?
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By Dhiren
