Orange residents have been long suffering over the past 12 years under the highly controversial and legally challenged Warren Administration. According to one resident, “I’ve just had enough of the corruption and FBI investigations in my hometown. It’s definitely time for a change and Quantavia Hilbert is our best chance to rebuild Orange.”

The latest accusation coming from the mayor’s supporters, through a brand new online publication called ‘The North Jersey Sentinel’ claims that Hilbert is somehow involved in a legal dispute over the sale of one of her businesses. This new unincorporated news entity – just in time to seemingly directed at smearing Warren’s formidable opponent Hilbert – neglected to state the case correctly.

“The fact is that my company initiated a lawsuit against the buyers who reneged on our agreement for them to pay us a certain price,” said Hilbert in response to the Fake News. “They agreed and broke the agreement while benefiting from our hard work. We sued them, and have a pending date in court this June. They, then countersued claiming that somehow my being a councilwoman brought some pressure on them. This is as ridiculous as the Sentinel article. We have a right to claim what is rightly ours under the law and we will not settle for anything less.

“It’s unfortunate that the Sentinel, initiated by the mayor’s legal and public relations supporters, didn’t do their due diligence before putting out this Fake News,” Hilbert continues.

The current elections in the City of Orange Township have not seen such a closely contested election in the last three occurrences, and voters will go to the polls to choose who will lead the administration over the next four years. By all accounts, it is a two person race, even though there are three candidates, with one candidate not campaigning by any stretch of the imagination.

Some residents describe Hilbert as a fresh, new and strong voice for Orange who will make history as the first female mayor in a City of over thirty thousand residents.

Hilbert went on to say that, “With challenges such as a need for a quality library and recreation facilities for our youth, which were both defrauded by administration officials and for which Directors were charged and arrested by the FBI, we can no longer afford to trust the future of the City to a leader who was apparently asleep at the wheel or at the very least showed poor leadership in managing the residents resources.

“This is a time for new leadership. I can bring my experience as a successful business manager to make the right assessments and put forth quality leadership with honesty, integrity and transparency as our benchmark in getting the job done.

With the elections slated for May 14, 2024, the residents will make a choice to move forward with one of the candidates, and Hilbert proclaims that she will emerge victorious, even if the opposition continues to try and distract the residents with misrepresentations and more Fake News coming from so called legitimate entities such as newly erected attack groups like the Sentinel. 


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