Hello Readers,

Last week, we published a resolution in Orange for anti-nepotism. I received a call stating that the resolution was tabled as I heard. However, we found out that the resolution was not even brought to the floor, because all the other council persons – including the council president – may apparently approve of nepotism. If they do not, then why didn’t they second the resolution, and also contact “Local Talk” like their friend or supporter called me.

At this juncture, I thought about writing about the advantages and disadvantages of nepotism. Usually, any act has two sides, and there are some benefits to nepotism as well. Let’s first talk about some advantages. For the mayor or the top administrator, it is easier to communicate, which saves time and gives easier working conditions. They can keep an eye on other employees, as their family and friends become the eyes of the administrator or the mayor.

However, there are far more disadvantages than advantages in my opinion. 1. If you are not in the nepotism “inner circle” then whatever job you need will not get done. 2. Corruption is part of the business. Nepotism itself is corruption and other instances corruption become easier. 3. They work more for the benefit of the mayor or the administrator than the people. 4. Improper promotions and salary raises when they don’t deserve it. It’s a waste of taxpayer money. 5. If the family or friends are not performing well, they don’t get fired and even get a good report by the administrator. 6. If they are absent, they are sometimes counted as present (aka “no show job). 7. The mayor or administrator can force all the council persons to support the mayor, otherwise their family and friends who were hired may lose their job or get into trouble. 8. The best employees do not get the job, but someone in the family or friends gets the job. 9. The budget directly or indirectly increases, and the taxpayers pays for it. 10. It’s disheartening for the citizens.

The Supreme Court is hearing arguments from lawyers about January 6, 2021 riots at the U.S. Capitol building. This became very interesting, due to the case against former president Donald Trump and the rioters. They are arguing about whether or not Sarbanes-Oxley legislation can be used on the accused.

We all are waiting on the outcome of Donald Trump’s first criminal case, which started jury selection. On April 16, District Attorney Alvin Bragg filed a motion against Trump for contempt of court. Trump has published three social media posts relating to unknown witnesses in this trial about Stormy Daniels and also Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney.

The old Stock Exchange, a landmark building in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, was destroyed by fire. Lately, more and more fires are destroying many monumental buildings. Why all of a sudden are fires sprouting up and hurting us? Is it global warming or something else?

Iran has shown the world that they will do whatever they want. This past weekend, Iran fired several drones and missiles with minimal casualties. Iran became stronger and stronger since Obama delivered $150 billion cash to Iran in 2016 for them to agree to a 10 year freeze on acquiring nuclear weapons. However, that will be over in two years. Iran does not have nuclear weapons, but yet they were able to fire several missiles and drones. Israel, officially, does not have nuclear weapons, but it is widely believed they do. We all have to wait and watch.

Have a wonderful week. I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
