The constant running rose, headache, and difficulty breathing are some of the way too familiar discomforts associated with having a clogged sinus. These congestions are as common as the blink of an eye, knowing no gender, race, age or class. Everyone gets it at some point in their lifetime, some more than most. It’s like a rite of passage.

Sinus congestion, sneezing and its related issues such as facial pressure, sinusitis and headaches can cause serious discomfort and pain. In this article I provide you, with quick remedies for your sinus congestion and its related problems.

Sinus or nasal congestion occurs when the mucous membrane and blood vessels in the sinus and nasal pathway swell. The swelling often results from several causes, such as colds, allergies, Dust, and dander, to name a few. These common causes are the primary reasons sinus blocks are ever-present: they’re part of our daily lives.

For example, when you enter a room filled with Dust. Dust particles go through the nose and irritate the mucous membranes; this causes the body to produce more mucus to clear out the particles and protect the sensitive airway. You start to sneeze to help release more dust particles, and the nose fills with mucus to prevent more dust entry. This is just the body’s way of protecting the airways. Usually, when the trigger is gone, the clog stops, but this is not always the case.

Knowing what’s causing your stuffed nose is vital in understanding how to relieve it. Agents that trigger nasal congestion are basically of three categories- infections, Allergens and Non-allergens.

Infections which include common cold, flu, and some upper respiratory viruses irritate the sinus and cause congestion. Allergens like pollen, Pet dander, dust mites also trigger nasal congestion. Non-allergens, such as airborne irritants like smoke, strong odors and chemicals may also trigger congestion.

Sinus Congestion is usually triggered by one or even all three of the categories, also each person reacts differently to these agents. So a flower or pet which makes you sneeze will do nothing to another person.

Now that we understand the condition and the causes, let’s talk about treatment – why we’re here.

As with most conditions, several approaches can be used to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. For this particular, two basic methods are used, namely: Pharmaceutical therapy (Drugs), and Non-Pharmaceutical or Homemade therapy. The Pharmaceuticals primarily used in treating sinus congestion include Decongestants, Antihistamines, Steroid nasal sprays, Pain relievers etc.

Decongestants help reduce the swelling in the sinus membrane and also reduce sinus pressure. They include pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), Oxymetazoline, and others. Antihistamines are very helpful when allergies cause sinus congestion. They help control the sneezing and the runny nose. Azatadine, loratadine are common examples. Steroid nasal sprays help reduce the inflammation in your nasal passage and reduce symptoms of allergies and nasal congestion. They include beclomethasone, budesonide.

Pain relievers do not directly relieve nasal congestion, but help soothe the pain caused by high sinus pressure, allowing you to bear It better. They include acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and so on. Other pharmaceuticals, such as antibiotics, are also used. The drugs are usually available Over-The-Counter.

The Non-pharmaceutical or homemade remedies however, are popular and widely used forms of treatment for sinus congestion. They are very cheap; practically free, accessible, and have little risk of side effects. Quite a lot are available, and some have shown by experience to be very effective. Let’s discuss them.

First on the list is steam inhalation. As basic as it seems, it’s one effective method of unclogging your nose. Boil water, lean over the pot, and cover your head with a cloth to trap the steam. The steam soothes irritated nasal passages and improves breathing.

Another is Staying hydrated. A simple task drinking enough fluids keeps your nasal cavity moist and thin the mucus.  Also eating Spicy foods helps. spicy elements like chili peppers, horseradish, or wasabi contain Capsaicin, a natural decongestant that relieves nasal congestion.

Nasal saline spray helps clear irritants from your nose. Keeping the nose clean and relieving congestion. Add salt to warm water, use a bulb syringe to relieve water into your nose. Elevating your head before sleeping helps reduce nasal congestion. Prop up your pillows to create a slight incline, allowing mucus to drain more efficiently and promote better airflow during sleep. Other remedies such as using a Humidifier, drinking ginger tea, inhaling peppermint oil and using the Neti Pot saline spray.

One or more of these remedies helps improve your sinus problems. Ideally, a congested sinus clears within seven days with medication or homemade therapy. If it doesn’t, it is time to pick up the phone and call your doctor.

This article was written by Dr. Adil Manzoor, DO, a Board-Certified Internist & Board Certified Pediatrician who works as a Hospitalist and Emergency Room Physician. He is also the current President of Garden State Street Medicine, a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to provide free preventive and acute urgent care services for the homeless.

He is also the co-founder of his own unique medical practice, Mobile Medicine NJ & House Call Doctors. He is also currently pursuing an Executive MBA and a Master’s of Science in Healthcare Leadership at Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management and the Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences.


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