Hello Readers,

Local Talk is celebrating its 23rd anniversary as of November 1, 2023. Our newspaper will be in the people’s hands on November 3rd, 2023. On behalf of Local Talk’s staff and myself, I thank each one of you for supporting Local Talk and allowing us to be as part of your lives. Local Talk became a household name by bringing hyperlocal news. Also, I must thank all of our advertisers for supporting a weekly print newspaper in our area. Digital media is taking over, I understand, but at the same time we must keep reading newspapers and books to rejuvenate our brain. It’s an exercise of the brain, which you will understand as you grow older.

The Israel-Hamas war is on everyone’s mind right now. Let me quote some data I collected for your knowledge. New Jersey’s land area is 7,354 square miles (Population 9,255,437) * Israel’s land area is 8,019 Square Miles (Population 9,174,520) * The Gaza Strip’s land area is 141 sq miles (Population 2.2 million) * Palestine’s land area, including the West Bank, is 2,324 square miles (Population 5,371,230) * The West Bank population is 3.25 million. The area of the Gaza Strip is close to Essex County’s land area of 129.4 mi (Population 805,889). The Gaza strip is the most populated area in the world. Hamas is controlling the Strip. However, not all the people who live in the Gaza Strip are part of Hamas. So, we should think about the humanitarian aspects of it as well.

When we are electing any representative, Congress or Senate, they should represent everyone within their constituency. However, the majority of the elected officials lately are favoring the Democrats or the Republicans, whichever party they are elected from. I think there is no righteousness. In the Local Talk area, the majority of the area is favoring the Democrats. People vote for the candidates over and over again without looking at their work or credibility. Most of the elected officials know how to convey the messages given by their leaders. Most of the time, they do not even think as to whether the message is right or wrong, but it has been given to them and they follow their leaders (or bosses).

To improve the quality of life for the people who reside in the elected officials’ constituency, the elected officials must work for the benefit of the people. I think most of the time they do not. They do work for the purpose of getting elected again, showing the people that they are working. In my opinion, they are using their level of power and influence only 10 to 20% for the benefit of the people. But 70 to 90% of people vote for them without thinking of their complete work.

Most of the elected officials are richer than they were before the first time getting elected. Most of the elected officials are getting elected on their name recognition only. They are the rule-makers, so they make the resolutions for protecting themselves and their supporters who back up them up with money for their election. So, I appeal to the people to judge the officials who you are electing. Do not blindly vote for someone.

I am writing all of this because my goal did not change. My goal is to uplift the quality of life for the people as whole. I do not seek to offend, but I only want things to get better for us.

Have a wonderful week. I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
