By Lev D. Zilbermints

WESTFIELD – Posters of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas have been defaced with pro-Palestinian slogans. “Local Talk” saw these posters on bulletin boards at the eastbound platform of the Westfield train station on October 22, 2023 between 5:00 – 5:45 p.m.

At the top, in huge white letters on a red background was written “KIDNAPPED”. Below this were photographs of the kidnapped Israelis. Next to the photo was the first name, last name and age of the kidnapped. Below this information was, “Kidnapped from his (or her) home by Hamas.”

A red line served as the divider before the main statement.

“On October 7th, nearly 200 innocent civilians were abducted from Israel into the Gaza Strip. Their whereabouts remain unknown.

“More than 3,000 women, men, and children, ranging in age from 3 months to 85 years old, were wounded, murdered, beaten, raped, and brutally separated from loved ones by Hamas.”

The text asked readers to “Please take a photo of this poster and share it.” At the bottom, in white letters on a red background, was the plea, “Please help bring them home alive.” To the left was a digital square. Readers were urged to scan to join the global efforts.

The hashtag, at the very bottom, in black letters on a red background, was #BringThemHome.

According to the posters, the names of the kidnapped Israelis are Ohad Yahalomi, 49; Eitan Yahalomi, his son, 12; Carmella Dan, 80; Noya Dan, 12, her granddaughter; Aviv, 2 years old; Doron, 34, his mother; Raz, 4, his sister; Margalit Moses, 78; Evyatar David, 22; Shar Dan Kalderon, 16; David Shalev, 75.

The posters of Carmela Dan and her granddaughter, Noa Dan, were taped to the glass bulletin board by the elevator entrance on the eastbound side of the Westfield train station.

On five posters, in black magic marker ink, were written pro-Palestinian slogans, “Free Palestine”, “End the Occupation!”. Those posters were on bulletin boards at the eastbound train station.

By the ticket vending machine were the remnants of two posters that were torn off.

Another six posters of kidnapped Israelis were located by the entrance to the eastbound platform of the Westfield train stations. Unlike the other posters on the raised train station platform, these six posters did not bear anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian slogans in black ink across them.

According to press reports, Israeli sources, and the U.S. Department of State, the Hamas attack on southern Israel killed 1,400 people. At least 212 were captured and taken into Gaza Strip. Two hostages, a mother and her daughter, were freed, leaving 210 missing. The missing hostages range in age from 3 months to 85 years.

Of those massacred by Hamas, 260 were young people attending a rave in the desert.

Israel has declared war on Hamas. For Israel, October 7 is the same as 9/11 for the United States. The Israeli Defense Forces are bombing the Gaza Strip every day.  A total blockade is in effect, with no food, power, electricity, and only limited water allowed. At least 700,000 Palestinians have fled Gaza City to the south. According to the Internet, only 360,000 people remain in the north. Hamas may likely use the remaining people as human shields.

According to Yahoo News, the power of Hamas in the north and central Gaza is weakening.

In Israel, the ultra-Orthodox have decided to join the armed forces. For decades, the ultra-Orthodox Jews were exempt from military service. But now with the biggest attack on Jews since the Holocaust, the ultra-Orthodox Jews are joining the Israeli Defense Forces.

Over 360,000 reservists have been called up, the largest draft in Israeli history. The ground invasion of Gaza is being anticipated any day. Whether or not the conflict between Israel and Hamas will escalate into a regional war, or worse, World War III, is something only time will tell.

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