In lieu of the Board contemplating the measure to extend the contract of Orange School Superintendent Dr. Gerald Fitzhugh II, “Local Talk” asked them the following:

Board Members

  • Shawneque Johnson
  • Sueann Gravesande
  • David Armstrong
  • Samantha Crockett
  • Derrick Henry
  • Siaka Sherif
  • Tyrone Tarver
  • Dr. Fatimah Turner
  • Jeffrey Wingfield


As I have heard, Orange Superintendent Mr. Dr. Gerald Fitzhugh II has been accused of sexual harassment by the then-Confidential Executive Secretary to the Superintendent who worked with the Orange Board of Education for about 30 years. The undisclosed person sued Mr. Fitzhugh for sexual harassment on or about August 2022. She claimed that the Defendant Fitzhugh regularly engaged in sexually harassing and egregiously discriminatory conversations in the Plaintiff’s presence.

The defendant counter-sued her for defamation, but per the information we received that the case of the counter sue has been dismissed. However, the sexual assault case is still waiting under the proceeding.

Also, Mr. Fitzhugh is said to have two years left on his contract, and the board is looking to extend his contract for $1.6 million for another 5 years.

With this in mind, here are some questions I have for the board members:

1. Why is there a rush to extend the contract?

2. When you vote, do you gain anything, personally or professionally, for approving the contract?

3. Is someone politically pressuring you to vote yes to the contract?

4. Orange has less than 40,000 people. How do you justify giving Mr. Fitzhugh a contract that is in line with that of Newark School Superintendent Roger Leon, who oversees a district with well over 300,000 people?

5. What distinction has Mr. Fitzhugh shown on the academic front for Orange’s students to gain such an extension?

I will appreciate you providing answers to these questions for the residents of the Orange, so Local Talk can fulfill its duty to inform the people. Please answer before 4 pm today. This will be published right away for the taxpayers / residents.

Thanks in advance,

For Local Talk

Dhiren Shah

Here is a reply from Jessika Kleen, Esq. on behalf of the board:

“The undersigned represents the Orange Board of Education. Your email seeking a statement regarding the Superintendent of Schools was forwarded to my attention. Please find a response on behalf of the Board below. No further statements will be made by the Board.

“The Board of Education conducted a comprehensive and thorough investigation regarding the claims you referenced here, as required by law. This included interviews of 12 alleged witnesses. None of the witnesses collaborated the claims. There was no evidence to support these claims. While the Board cannot prevent plaintiffs from filing lawsuits, it can, and it will vigorously defend specious and unsupported claims.

“Please be reminded that you are talking about a person’s livelihood and reputation.  As the District’s investigation revealed no evidence to substantiate these claims, Dr. Fitzhugh remains innocent of same.  The timing of this document being given to you is clearly not a coincidence, especially given the fact that the document is from December of 2022.

“All legitimate questions relative to Dr. Fitzhugh’s pending contract will be responded to at the public hearing to be held at tomorrow’s Board meeting; however, the Board will not engage in any further discussion or commentary on these specious and unsupported claims.”

For more information on the legal case in question, you may find it at this link:

Enter: Docket No. ESX-L-4679-22

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