TRENTON – One of New Jersey’s longest serving public officials is leaving the stage.

Former Governor and State Senator Richard Codey announced on August 14 that he is retiring from the NJ Legislature. On the day of the announcement, he issued the following statement:

“After a half-century in the Legislature, it’s time for me to say goodbye. My service to the state of New Jersey and its great people will end when this legislative session concludes at the end of the year.

“Now, listen, before you get any ideas, no, I am not dying … but if you or someone you know is, please call Codey Funeral Home in Caldwell or Codey & Mackey in Boonton. (What, you thought I was gonna stop telling jokes on this of all days?) Seriously, it has been an incredible run and I’m lucky and grateful to have my health. I won my first race in November of 1973 and was sworn in the following January, making it a perfect 50-year circle we’re closing.

“I’ve been your Assemblyman, your Senator and your Governor.

“Now, it’s time to trade all those trips to Trenton for more time as a husband, father and grandpa. I’ll still be running my businesses – an insurance agency and those funeral homes – but I’m ready for something different.

“Why? Because it’s time. Time to step aside and watch the next generation do their thing.

“I’m forever grateful for the opportunity to have served the people of this state, especially those of you in the City of Orange and my neighbors in Essex and Morris counties. I’m grateful for the friendships I have made with my colleagues. And I’m grateful for the love, support and patience of my family, especially my wife, Mary Jo, and my sons, Kevin and Christopher.

“The people have always been the best part of every job I’ve had. I was born and raised in a funeral home, and that life taught me lessons that served me well as I served you. How to listen. How to be compassionate. How to help.

“I’m proud of the work I’ve done in the Legislature – as New Jersey’s longest-serving legislator – and during my time as New Jersey’s 53rd governor.

“I’ve fought to pass laws that matter to all New Jerseyans, especially people who don’t always have a voice or the ability to be heard. From mental health and addiction services to bans on indoor smoking and championing our toughest-in-the-nation gun laws. I’ve fought for who and what I believe in, even when it wasn’t easy. I’ve made lifelong friends and lifelong enemies – and I’m proud of both lists!

“As I prepare to step away, please know you all gave me a lifetime of rewards big and small. I loved speaking with people and helping people, even when a staffer or a State Trooper was pushing me out a door toward another commitment.

“That’s the thing about funeral directors and legislators. They’re always on the job, and you can’t allow yourself to be pushed out a door when people are hurting or need someone to hear them. I have always loved listening to you.

“Some of my best memories – my dearest memories – are wandering into a diner late at night after a legislative session or a basketball game. So often I’d meet someone who recognized me and wanted to know if I could help. I’d order a piece of lemon meringue pie and pick at it while I listened. You can’t believe the connections and friendships I forged over lemon meringue pie. Those connections are why I will stay deeply engaged in the community.

“Fifty years is a long time. I have seen a lot of changes in the Legislature and the governor’s office. But one thing that hasn’t changed is the importance of public service. Public service is about making a difference in the lives of people. It’s about working together to create a better future for everyone.

“I’ll miss that – the hope and promise of doing something great for people every day. And I’ll miss you – the people who voted for me and the people who didn’t. You made me better as a legislator and as a person.

“So after 50 years, let me say this: There can be no greater privilege than representing people who trust you as you have trusted me. God Bless you all.”

Assemblywoman Mila Jasey (D-Essex, Morris) issued the following statement in response to former Governor, and current State Senator, Richard J. Codey’s retirement announcement:

“Governor Richard J. Codey is a New Jersey icon with whom I have had the honor of serving as his district mate for the last 16 years. His contributions to our state over the past half-century as Governor and Senator have left an indelible mark and made him one of the most well-known and well-respected of all of our state’s elected officials. His mental health advocacy was transformational, ending the stigma and improving services dramatically.

“Guv, and my friend and colleague Assemblyman John McKeon, brought me to the party literally and figuratively. When they sought a partner in 2007, they asked me and gave me the opportunity to serve in the Assembly for 16 years and be included in the best legislative team in the state.

“Governor Codey’s retirement follows 50 continuous years of public service. New Jersey is a far better place for having had the benefit of his leadership, and I for having the benefit of his friendship. I extend my heartfelt wishes to Governor Codey, his wife Mary Jo, and their family as he begins the next chapter. It is truly the end of an era.”

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