By Lev D. Zilbermints

Call it the end of one era and the beginning of another. A bittersweet moment in the 155 – year-old history of Bloomfield College.

On Saturday, May 20, 2023 Bloomfield College held its last independent commencement before its upcoming merger with Montclair State University. The last graduating class of an independent Bloomfield College had over 280 students.

The graduation started at 11 a.m., with graduating students, their families and invited guests assembling in a huge tent set up opposite Talbot Hall, on the College Quadrangular. Outside, the rainy weather caused a sea of umbrellas and raincoats to be worn by the attendees. Inside the huge tent it was nice and dry.

Dressed in the maroon and yellow graduation caps and gowns, graduating students marched into the huge tent. Some graduates wore the yellow and red collar that said, “Student Athlete.” This meant that the wearer was a member of one of the Bloomfield College sports teams. “Local Talk” counted at least 19 or more student athletes graduating.

Some graduating students wore the green and blue honor cords of Alpha Chi Beta chapter, the college’s honor society. Inscriptions on the collars included “Class of 2023,” “Nursing,” “EOF Scholar,” “Generation First,” and others.

Cell phones and cameras flashed as the graduating class of 2023 marched to their seats in the huge tent erected for this purpose. On the left and right stood parents, friends, photographers, and other attendees. There was quite a lot of diversity, with Asian, black, Hispanic and white students and attendees present at the graduation.

After the graduating class of 2023 came the professors in their colorful robes, the Board of Trustees, Bloomfield College President Marcheta Evans, the Faculty Marshal, Bloomfield College Alumni Association President Maurice Lyle and invited honorable guests. People applauded as the students and dignitaries marched past.

As the college officials and dignitaries took their seats on the stage, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. This was followed by a benediction given by Reverend Anita M. Wright, pastor of the Trinity Presbyterian Church.

Michael A. Palladino, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty at Bloomfield College, gave a speech. He was followed by Vernon M. Endo, Chair of the Bloomfield College Board of Trustees.

In his remarks, Mr. Endo said, “…here first at Bloomfield College. You did so under difficult circumstances. We are very proud of you. This is your day. … We worked to finalize the merger with Montclair State University. This was not the conventional wisdom. Thank you for answering our call for help, Montclair State University President Jonathan GS Koppel and the Board of Trustees.” A round of applause followed Mr. Endo’s remarks.

Vice President Michael A. Palladino introduced Bloomfield College President Marcheta Evans.

In her speech, President Evans said in part, “Welcome, Class of 2023! Celebrate this momentous occasion. …I became your president in 2019. We endured so much. Social unrest… I am so proud of you. Faculty, administrators. So many people helped you (graduating class) to get there.”

“Please stand – medical profession because you put your life on the line. First generation students recognized. First in family to receive higher education. There is only a small percentage of people that have a degree. Especially if they are people of color.”

“Make sure that when you need help, you ask for it. … We are continuing to make amazing things happen. Together we can make a better tomorrow. Congratulations to you all!”

A video, made of collage taken from old yearbooks, was shown. “The Bloomfield College environment prepares students to be global students”, said one caption.

Bloomfield College is the only four-year black, Hispanic institution in the state of New Jersey.

Montclair State University President Jonathan GS Koppel delivered his congratulatory remarks after BC President Evans. In his speech, Dr. Koppel said in part, “I see joy. I see pride. We are on this occasion, all Bloomfielders. … We bring two institutions together to create more opportunities. …The line between today and future success, I can guarantee you, is not going to be straight. Do not be discouraged. I am confident that Bloomfield College and Montclair State University will build upon the past and create a better future. You should have the belief that tomorrow will be better.”

Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty Michael A. Palladino recognized several faculty members for their achievements. Palladino thanked faculty members for their 16, 42, and 49 years of service respectively.

Maurice Lyle, Class of 2009 and President of the Bloomfield College Alumni Association and Alumni Grand Marshal, recognized outstanding alumni for their service. The alumni association president gave the Distinguished Alumni Association Award to John DeLucca, Class of 1966.

Aliyah Lynette Rivera, ’23, was the valedictorian. Speaking in Spanish, Ms. Rivera delivered her remarks through a translator. In part, Ms. Rivera said, “Today we celebrate our accomplishments and academic growth.”

Michael A. Palladino, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, together with Bloomfield College President Marcheta Evans, presided over the conferral of honorary degrees.

James Douglas Axelrod was awarded the Doctor of Humane Letters degree. The Honorable Mila A. Jasey and the Honorable Mikie Sherill were awarded honorary Doctor of Laws degrees.

According to the event program, Mr. Axelrod “served as a dedicated member of the Bloomfield College Board of Trustees from 2015 – 2021. He continues to serve as an advocate for the educational needs of our institution’s underserved student population and as a sought-after advisor to our College leadership.”

According to the event program, “The Honorable Mila M. Jasey is currently Deputy Speaker serving her eighth term in the New Jersey Legislature representing the 27th Legislative District, consisting of 14 towns in Essex and Morris Counties.

In awarding Assemblywoman Jasey her doctorate, Dr. Palladino said, “She helped get $12.5 million for Bloomfield College” when the school was in financial crisis.

Assemblywoman Jasey told the audience, “I speak to you as a mother, grandmother and politician. … They can never take away your education. My father and brothers were descendants of enslaved people. Paternal grandparents emigrated from Jamaica. My aunt graduated from Montclair State University, became a teacher. She was the seventh of eleven children.” According to Jasey, she has nine brothers.

According to the event program, the Honorable Mikie Sherill currently represents New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District where Bloomfield College is located, and serves on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party.

Once Congresswoman Sherrill finished making her speech, the presentation of candidates and conferring of degrees in cursu began.

Three Bloomfield College students were awarded a Bachelor of Science / Master of Science Degree. Domshanika Hatcher, Jakara Henry and Yoshley Mejia all received B.A./M.A. degrees. Antonio Gordon received a Master of Arts in Teaching.

A total of 273 students’ names were on the event program, all of whom graduated with the Class of 2023. Of these, 21 graduated cum laude, or Honors; 15 graduated magna cum laude, or High Honors; 15 graduated with summa cum laude, or Highest Honors. According to the event program, “A student who has earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 and a 3.50 average in the major is eligible for cum laude; both averages must be 3.65 for magna cum laude and 3.80 for summa cum laude.”

As each graduate stepped on stage, he or she was given the diploma by Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Students Michael A. Palladino. Stepping forward a few paces, the graduate was met by Bloomfield College President Marcheta Evans. The college photographer took a photo of every student with President Evans.

Maurice Lyle, Class of 2009, President of the Bloomfield College Alumni Association, addressed the Class of 2023 once the conferral of degrees was completed.

“It is an honor to address the 150th Commencement Class. We applaud you… to a successful life,” BCAA President Lyle told the graduating class of 2023. “Whatever you aspire to do, do it!  Choose your life more carefully. Stay in touch!” BCCAA President Lyle told the graduating class.

Dr. Steven Kreutzer delivered the graduate salute. During his speech, Dr. Kreutzer held the mace. Kreutzer was the Grand Marshal of the 150th Bloomfield College Commencement.

Vice President Palladino thanked Human Resources, staff of Dining services, Student Affairs and Academic Affairs for making the 150th Commencement possible. He then closed the 150th Commencement.

Everyone stood. Reverend Anita Wright of the Trinity Presbyterian Church delivered the benediction.

“Bless you when you come in, bless you when you come out,” Reverend Wright intoned.

As everyone stood, the last Bloomfield College recessional took place. Dr. Kreutzer, holding the Bloomfield College mace, marched past. After him came BC President Margaret Evans, the Board of Trustees, faculty, dignitaries. Then came the graduating class of 2023 in their maroon and orange caps and gowns, with collars and honor cords. Some of the collars bore inscriptions such as “student Scholar,” “EOF Scholar,” “Student Athlete.”

As music played “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, the last independent Bloomfield College graduation came to an end. Surprisingly, there was no tassel turning. Holding their awarded diplomas, the just-minted graduates left the tent where the Bloomfield College graduation was held.

Full Disclosure: Lev D. Zilbermints graduated magna cum laude, 3.77 GPA with the Class of 1996 from Bloomfield College. Mr. Zilbermints was President of the Alpha Chi Beta Chapter in 1994-95; Secretary in 1995-96. He was also President of the Bloomfield College Day Student Government in 1996, and a member of the Judiciary Board, 1994-96.

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