Hello Readers,
I saw a video about a joke on religion by George Carlin. It is funny and atheists will love it, and religious believers will laugh at it, but their belief will not allow them to follow Carlin instead of their religious leaders. Coincidentally, someone asked me about what happens to a person after death. The people who used to love them may feel sad for one week or two and live their life without that person.
I replied that no one knows, he argued with me that if he was good, he will go to heaven, and if bad, he will go to hell. I asked him, “How do you know?” We don’t know, but our religious leaders know what happens after death. I gave him an example; when you are sick, some religious leader can place their hand on your head and you will be okay. Why don’t religious leaders put their hand on their head when he/she gets sick?
My friend said that someone else must pray. I said to him, why don’t two religious leaders, who treat people by placing their hand on people, place their hand to each other. They will live forever. But it’s not true. So, I am still searching for the real truth about religion.
After Title 42 ended last week, there was a prediction that an influx of migrants will be impeded at the border, but as per the news, after the first night, the inflow has been less than expected. With Title 42, people had to wait outside the U.S. until their court date came. This was due to the spread of COVID-19, but once the national emergency on the virus ended the same day (May 11), Title 42 ended. Now, they can enter the U.S. and wait within our borders, which gives them a chance to stay illegally and get benefits provided to them, which are better than in their own countries.
Our increase of the debt limit should be controlled. Here is an example of federal spending on welfare. From 1977 to 2020, in 2020 inflation-adjusted dollars, state and local government spending on public welfare increased from $147 billion to $791 billion (437 percent increase). This was the largest spending growth of any major expenditure program over this period. In 2021 the Budget proposes $94.5 billion in discretionary budget authority and $1.3 trillion in mandatory funding for HHS.
In Fiscal Year 2022, the federal government spent $1.19 trillion on more than 80 different welfare programs. That represents almost 20% of total federal spending and a quarter of tax revenues in 2022 or $9,000 spent per American household. As per US House Budget Committee: “The Biden Budget proposes more than $2.6 trillion in new entitlement program spending, 3% of total spending and 4% of revenues, adding to the already unsustainable debt trajectory and further fueling inflation. Biden’s massive entitlement expansion will add trillions to CBO’s (Congressional Budget Office) current baseline, which projects $12.7 trillion in spending on these programs over the FY 2024-2033 budget window.”
Biden’s budget expansions are (in Billions of dollars) Child Tax Credit Expansion for Three Years $469.9, Government Child Care $424.3, Government Paid Family Leave $325.0, Government Preschool $200.0, Force States to Expand Medicaid $200.0, Expand Indian Health Service $185.3, Medicaid Home and Community-Based Care Services $150.0, Expand EITC $136.7, Expand Obamacare Subsidies $130.0, Double Pell Grant $96.1, “Free” Community College $90.0, Expand Housing Subsidies $60.0, Public Health $43.3, Behavioral Health $41.1, “Equity”-Based Tuition Subsidies $30.5, Expand School Meal Subsidies $14.6, Extend Trade Adjustment Assistance $2.0, Medicaid Nutrition Coverage $1.7 – Total $2,600.5.
Special counsel John Durham has concluded his report that the FBI was wrongly about documents from the DOJ (Department of Justice) about any Trump-Russia Collusion. He also criticized the FBI for not acting neutral, and favoring the Democratic Party. Hillary Clinton had approved the Trump-Russia dossier. Between this and Trump’s better than expected performance in his town hall on CNN, democrats might be getting worried.
Have a wonderful week. I’ll talk to you next week.