A brand identity is a set of tools or elements used by a company to create a brand image. A brand image is a customer’s perception of the brand consisting of various associations related to it and memories about interacting with it. – Google
That was Goggle’s definition; here’s mine… Branding Identity is when somebody sat at the roundtable after ditching that grub and concocted a Petri dish that sends out an aroma that entices hunger pangs, which knowingly tells ya that what’s home cookin in-house will appease the palate and appetite as enticing those cravings for brain food at whelm.
That’s Ms. Madison Realty in a nutshell. What a worthy candidate to assist in our Women’s Month commemoration. Feel free to post Grind Worthy features or flyers or info on my Facebook Group: Grind Worthy.

When you’re a new client, you get a considerable amount of my time, the branded water, the branded pen, and other goodies. That’s your initial gift. But when you first go under contract, you get a bottle of Champaign. Once you are a client, I talk to you every day until closing, and that’s when you get to ride in the Sprinter, and given that Tiffney gift, it becomes an experience.
Doting on my clients is very practical. It is also very beneficial to the client. You want to reward them because buying and the process can be overwhelming. They’re nervous, so you want to calm their nerves, and what calms nerves better than Champagne? – Madison
“As a black woman, I feel very optimistic when I step out of that van in my community. Sadly because most of our young women are constantly bombarded by YouTubers or video vixens, or reality TV stars, and they only see them as being successful. Yet, unbeknownst to them, your real hero and those who are successful are right here in your backyard. So when they see my vehicle, they’ll know they can succeed in their own right by doing something different than the norm. Yes, we can lead in a positive way, and that’s what makes branding essential.
“It is vitally important because it is how the customer identifies you. That’s how the consumer understands your point difference. So it’s very important to be unique in your branding, and it is also important to be consistent with your branding all across the board; the same font, same colors, same logos, and your color theme. Your photos aren’t necessarily, but everything else should be consistent.
“I wanted to take things next level, so I purchased my branded vehicle one year ago. I made that decision because it serves as a moving billboard. No matter where I am, someone always asks me for a card. ‘Oh, is that you?’ ‘You sell real estate?’ It’s an interactive component, always a conversation piece. It’s a strong return on investment, so it serves its purpose.
“Another strategy is when I step out of that van every day. I wear a black tuxedo suit because it is conservative and fits well. As a realtor, if you look professional, that works. But honestly, your real appearance is presented when you open your mouth because you could be all dressed up and not know what you’re talking about.
“I make it a point to do that because people begin to listen when they ask you certain questions, and you answer them knowledgeably. You become a resource. But, sometimes being a resource can be exhausting because the world will begin to ask you for everything and its sorta like ‘Did you consider Google?’
“Sometimes it can be frustrating, but I have to remember that I am a public figure regardless of whether I want to believe it. Black tuxedo, or white and black and go. I only have a little time to figure out stuff, a blouse, the suit, and go. Now I’ve even taken away the blouse, and I use a cami and go. Time is money. There is a two-hour window per client when I’m showing, and then I’m back at the office.

“Madison Realty is at your service. Now that is, I actually became a realtor by default. I came into real estate as a result of there being a need to service my community. I was looking for a space for a school, and the realtor I had needed to be more responsive and professional. So I confidentially felt that there was a need for experienced realtors.
“Being a realtor was never on my radar like ever. After meeting with a broker, I jumped right into it and took the mandatory seventy-five-course hours, and then I had to take the state exams. The test was extremely complicated, and I was so disappointed because I missed the first test by one point.
“Ironically, I passed my real estate test on the fourth try. I had to do the entire test all over again. On my first attempt, I missed it by one point. The second time I missed it by six, and the third by 10 points, I was getting further away. I passed it on my fourth try. There was a ten-day wait period between each attempt. I was committed to this endeavor because I was transitioning out of education.
“I worked in education for twelve years and saw the changes happening. Education was becoming more like a business and wasn’t fun anymore. It was geared more toward testing and less about teaching. It wasn’t fun anymore. I didn’t love it anymore. I wasn’t as passionate. I needed to teach from the heart, so I needed something else.
“I started my real estate journey in the fall of 2015, passed my test in the spring of 2016, and officially became licensed in the summer of 2016. I love what I am doing now. However, I confidently believe I need to be pivoting in my business. Pivoting means I need to be building a team at this time. I need to expand to do other things within real estate.
“I’ll still do real estate but only sometimes sell real estate; this industry has so many different facades besides buying or selling to the consumer. Those are the kinds of opportunities I want to be a part of, but I cannot be a part of those opportunities if I’m constantly servicing the client.

“Regarding the housing market, we are looking at a market where inventory is low. Interest rates are high; however, there are opportunities for first-time home buyers to benefit from thousands and thousands. I’m talking about ten, thirty, and forty-five, even up to fifty thousand dollars of down payment assistance funding. So that’s the perk. So there’s still an opportunity for first-time homebuyers to convert from renters to first-time home buyers. Especially since during Covid, rent has increased by thirty-five percent. That’s the upside of real estate.
“My ideal client is a client that honestly and sincerely purchases; A ready, willing, and able buyer, and if you’re selling your property, a willing, able, and ready client. Once we’ve had the consultation, the client understands their budget, understands the market, and is ready to buy, which is very simple. Social media has made it appear as so, and buying and selling have become trendy, so now we have many trendy buyers. I can identify those trendy buyers vs. those serious buyers within minutes. Because they saw it on Instagram, and now they want to do it. Once we get out there, they’ll find any and everything wrong with the home.
“The majority of my business is first-time investors. Meaning they want to occupy the home and they’re buying multi-family. So they’ll have the first floor pay the rent if the opportunity makes sense. For example, let’s say the mortgage is thirty-six hundred dollars, and the tenant is paying two thousand dollars, so now you are contributing sixteen hundred towards the mortgage.
“There is nothing wrong with it, no matter what way you look at it; Because you cannot live anywhere paying sixteen hundred dollars. That is a trendy buyer. So they’re hyped up for the moment. They get preapproved sometimes. They just want to see if they can get preapproved based on the hype. I only get to a few of those buyers, but I have gotten a buyer or two.
“Usually, I try to go further west or further south so the buyer can still have that sizeable house that they desire for an affordable price. I typically service anywhere from Bergen County down to Burlington all the way over to Warren County. So it’s about an hour’s swing because the market has gone up so much, but the buyers want affordable living.
“I’m currently licensed in New Jersey and Georgia. I have no interest in any other markets. My intentions had always been Jersey for the most part. I got my Georgia license because most of my friends want to buy and live in Georgia, and I’ve tried to refer them, but they only want to work with me. So I had to get my license to be with them as they go on this journey.
“So it wasn’t to take on or over that market. It was to assist them as they go into that market as the buyer. You must understand that sometimes it can be overwhelming for the prospect as a first-time homeowner. For instance, the Georgian market is very different too. They don’t use attorneys; they use attorneys to close titles. So the real estate classes are very different from here.

“Mainly, I help the client, or potential client mentally adjust to the process. When we first meet, I do a buyer’s consultation and break things down for them. First, I ask about the type of home that they want. Once they tell me what they want, I give them the average selling price. I tell them this is the average selling price for this home, and then I tell them what the down payment is going to be, what the home inspection, the appraisal, what their homeowner insurance is potentially going to look like, and the closing cost. That’s the first column.
“The second column is their numbers with down payment assistance or 401K, IRA, or any other assistance. The next column is their mortgage. Once people know what their mortgage is going to look like, and then they’re comfortable.
“Before you talk to the lender, we always talk about money. I never ask the client how much money they have. I tell them how much they need. That makes it much easier on them. People never want to be asked what is in their bank account. I don’t even ask the client what they do for a living. If it comes to professions, are you a teacher, doctor, or service professional? Because there are different money for those professions, otherwise I do not ask. I never know what my clients do for a living.
“As far as the present market goes, It depends on the buyer’s needs. Not everyone wants to be an investor right off the bat, and that’s okay; maybe later. Not everyone wants to own a multi-dwelling at the first opportunity and regardless of what that looks like to me, the world, or anyone else on paper. If that’s what that buyer wants at that particular time and if I, as their realtor, show them both opportunities and they still go with the single, that is okay because I demonstrated what both opportunities look like.
“They have to understand that when they purchase the multi-second, they’ll have to put down more money the second go-round, and I’ve expressed that to them the first go-round, so they understand that. As long as I’ve done my job explaining to them what it looks like on paper. I’m okay with it.

As a buyer, my favorite style of house is multi-family. Multi-family houses are my favorite style of housing because those are the prominent style I sell. I love my single homes, but multi is what I sell. I’m with multi-family buyers 24/7. But if I had to choose a single, it would be a country-style house, and the proper name, I believe, is Anadale.
“If I could only use one tool for my business, I would keep Instagram because it’s interactive. I can text, email, and basically run my business through that platform. In the past, when I first came into the business, 95 percent of my business came through Instagram, and going into my sixth year this summer, all of my business is now referrals. I believe one or two came through that platform, so maybe I can do without Instagram, which is interesting!”
A realtor is a person who acts as an agent for the sale and purchase of buildings and land, in particular a member of the National Association of Realtors; a real estate agent.
Architectural styles And Types of houses You Can Find In New Jersey
- Ranch Style. Ranch-style homes are among the most popular in the US and can be found in almost every state. …
- Italian Architecture (Italianate) …
- Queen Anne Style. …
- Cottage. …
- Farmhouse. …
- Victorian Style. …
- Greek Revival. …
- Arts & Crafts.
- Georgian Style
- Row Houses
- Contemporary Style
- Mediterranean Style
- MacMansions
- American Foursquare
- Cape Cod
- Split Level
- Colonial Style
- Tudor Style
The Observation Booth is utilized as a space for Andrea Dialect to stumble through, which aids in life and brand development. It can also be used by readers, subjects, and features to assist or advance our world or their own. It is a peek into one’s world from the outside. It is also for the development of content. Everything printed here is in draft form; thus, error is welcomed and to be expected. Everything is constantly evolving, is her mantra. Seeing the work in printed format is the initial step and is quite valuable and therapeutic for developing all forms.
Like Everything, Andrea Dialect uses this space as a test lab for test study and a test subject. Here you will also find influencers, professionals, and muses who are considered “clay” who lend their image to change as doing us proud who are contributors to the upward progress of human progress. It is a platform for the growth, inspiration, motivation, and development of herself, her subjects, and her readers. Enjoy!