Hello Readers,
The U.S. economy is getting into trouble. Even after raising the federal interest rates, inflation is not going down to 2% or 3%. So at the next federal meeting on March 21 & 22, it seems like the Federal Reserve will impose another rate hike, maybe only .25 percent. Inflation on February 23 was about 6.4%, which is very high. Also, the unemployment rate is not high enough after the previous rate hikes. The rate hike might bring a recession as well. It is a very delicate situation for the Federal Reserve, and I don’t think they have a clue how to solve this problem!
The issues with the economy is affected by the open southern borders as well. In Year 2020 (October thru September 2020) under the Trump administration, there were 458,088 people apprehended. In 2021 (October thru September 2021) there were 1,734,686, and in 2022 (October thru September 2022) there were 2,378,944 apprehended. These figures are from previous years October 2021 to January 2023, in four months 874,449 people were apprehended. They do not have figures for the people who already entered the U.S. However, more and more illegal immigrants will arrive here, and we are paying for their food, clothes, living space, some of their own expenses, bus passes and sundry expenses. They will compete with legal employees, as they will accept under the table employment.
Swami Nithyananda is a fugitive who ran away from India. He was charged and arrested in April 2010 in a rape case. However, he was released on bail in June of the same year. The case has been going on a long time. For not appearing in court, his bail was revoked, and a warrant was issued. His spokesperson said that he is in a spiritual tour. He made a city near Trinidad called Kailasa. He claims Kailasa as a Hindu country which issues their own passports. Swami Nithyananda is also facing charges for making children prisoners. Kailasa is named after the Himalaya Mountain range of Kailash which is in Tibet at 21,778 ft high.
Newark, NJ made a contract with Kailasa as their sister city. Press Secretary Susan Garofalo did not reply to Local Talk’s request for information. However, we have not received a press release from the city on the matter. The City seems to have a political agenda in my opinion. “Local Talk” asked if there was any transaction of money in this contract. Again, the City has not answered us yet.
Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson interviewed police officer Tarik Johnson and it came out that the January 6 Committee (intentionally) avoided some footage and instead, concentrated only on trying to get Donald Trump. They constantly say it was an insurrection, but it was not a coup. Yes, it was one of the worst scenes in American history, but it was only a protest that turned into a riot. No insurrection would feature a man walking around with horns smiling and happy to be in the building, nor would it end in a matter of hours – after Trump told them to go home.
President Biden has announced that he would place more tax on wealthy Americans to extend Medicare in his 2024 budget. It is a good move, and if approved, it will extend the program for another 25 years, per Biden.
Have a wonderful week. I’ll talk to you next week.