By Lev D. Zilbermints

EAST ORANGE – An Essex County College adjunct professor and congressional candidate is suing Norman Towers and L & M Construction for $50,000,000 alleging intimidation, bullying, and unlawful ejectment.

            According to court papers, the defendant, Norman Towers, let to plaintiff, Cynthia Johnson, the apartment 9L. “to date, defendant has refused to replace/repair any/all items demolished during the federally funded renovation that was held at Norman Towers.”

            Court papers show that Ms. Johnson charges Norman Towers and its owner, L&M Construction, with five separate counts. These include breach of contract; quantum meruit; unjust enrichment; breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing; violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and fair dealing.

           According to court papers, the first count is breach of contract. Specifically speaking, “Defendant has breached the Lease by failing to comply with habitability laws within the state of New Jersey. Defendant has harassed and interfered with Plaintiff’s right to live peacefully and with no interfering violations within the apartment.” Finally, “defendants et al have all violated plaintiff’s rights to a safe and healthy life within her place of abode and within the city limits of East Orange.”

            Cynthia Johnson gave Local Talk several interviews in which she explained in detail what happened. According to Cynthia Johnson, her mother, Susie Johnson, moved into Norman Towers in 2015. Susie moved into Norman Towers because she could not live with her daughter, Cynthia Johnson.  In 2017, Cynthia found her mother a bigger apartment to accommodate her. The new apartment had two bathrooms and two bedrooms.

            According to Cynthia Johnson, management told her that they needed four days to make renovations and repairs to the apartment. Management asked Cynthia Johnson to move with her mother elsewhere for the durations of the repairs. Thinking that the repairs would only last four days, both women agreed to move temporarily to 240 South Harrison Street in East Orange.

Renovations and repairs take too long. Life-saving medical devices turned off and not replaced.

            Instead of the repairs taking four days, it took four months, then nine months. It was not until February 2022 that a new refrigerator was installed in the apartment. While the repairs were being done, the medical devices that helped to keep Susie Johnson alive were turned off. These included a feeding machine, oxygen machine, a low air-loss mattress among others. According to court papers, “Plaintiff violated the Americans with Disability Act by purposefully demolishing Mrs. Susie Johnson’s (elderly and disabled) medical equipment knowing that it is life sustaining equipment.”

            “Plaintiff failed to replace the aforementioned equipment that was needed to save her life.”

            “Plaintiff knowingly failed to provide adequate housing for Mrs. Johnson which resulted in her being placed in a nursing facility where she contracted COVID and subsequently passed away. Mrs. Johnson was made homeless by Plaintiff’s reckless endangerment ignoring ADA laws.”

           Ms. Johnson said that management entered her apartment without her consent. This is borne out by a police report dated April 9, 2021, which stated that the construction company entered the apartment without consent.

            According to the police report, “Ms. Cynthia Johnson said she had multiple meetings with management, stating that she did not want anyone inside her apartment without escort. Ms. Johnson was concerned with the medical equipment being damaged or voided warranty that she quotes to be worth more than $100,000. The medical equipment was now placed on the bed as well as in the hallway by construction crew and movers. At this time, it is unknown if any equipment is damages or missing.

            According to management, all residents were given notice in advanced (sic). They also noted the apartment has been unoccupied for over 3 months.

            It should be noted that there was no damage to the apartment door, suggesting entry was made with a copy of the key by Management.”

            I sought more information from L&M Construction, but have not heard from them a of deadline.

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