By Lev D. Zilbermints

Lev D. Zilbermints: How many people are in danger of being evicted in the state? In East Orange?

Cynthia Johnson: The census predicts that 3.8 million will be evicted this September and October which is the equivalent of all evictions in 2018.

LZ: What is being done to stop evictions?

CJ: We are working hard to organize local and tenants to reinstate a national moratorium.

LZ: What about the landlords? Are they evicting tenants for valid reasons?

CJ: Most are presently evicting due to the covid crisis where DCA was providing funding to assist renters. Since the monies have been used, the landlords are evicting and suing tenants even after accepting the money. There is a clause in the letter that was attached to the funding provided to the landlords that stipulates that they agree to not evict based on the amount received. However, landlords and their attorneys are violating the terms and the courts are not enforcing. Most tenants are not even aware of the clause.

LZ: At the federal level, what is the situation with evictions?

CJ: Presently, evictions are taking place due the ceasing of the moratorium.

LZ: What about your own case with eviction? How did that come about?

CJ: My personal situation with habitability issues caused my mother to be displaced and placed in a nursing home where she contracted covid and subsequently passed. I am presently in court fighting this situation.

LZ: Are the landlords trying to evict people who are standing up for tenants’ rights? Or is there another reason?

CJ: Landlords want nothing more than to rid themselves of all who fight for tenants’ rights. I myself am under attack.

LZ: Where do you see yourself as a candidate for Congress regarding housing? How does this make you different from other candidates?

CJ: I predicted that this affordable housing debacle would happen when the foreclosure crisis ruined many lives. We were all so taken off guard by the outright stealing of homes that we never fought the behind the scenes actions that were taking place. The billionaire companies were taking firm control of the communities by solidifying their purchasing of the area and the local politicians were so enveloped in what they called urban redevelopment that they allowed these purchases to take place. The median income predictions are completely off and are wreaking havoc on the prices of housing. The communities are being priced out of the areas where most have lived all of their lives. I am presently working on legislation to correct the median income miscalculation and to halt the billionaires from purchasing any further in these areas. I have been working on housing issues for over ten years with boots on the ground. Win, lose, or draw, the fight continues. 

LZ: What kind of solutions would you propose to solve the housing and eviction crisis?

CJ: Reinstate the anti-eviction moratorium until a sustainable solution can take effect.

LZ: Is there any city ordinance in East Orange that addresses evictions? Laws at the state level?

CJ: The city has been so non-compliant with code enforcement that many of the urban renewal developments purchased by these large corporations have major habitability issues. They have not been responsibly issuing citations nor have they been following up with any that they do issue. Most tenants have to literally call nonstop to get code enforcement to come out. For them it appears to be easier for the tenants to exercise their rights under the truth in renting laws and to end up in court because it then no longer is their problem. I, personally, started contacting the mayor directly and nothing still was done.    

LZ: Is there any other information you wish to convey to the public?

CJ: This fight will continue until there is justice!

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