Hello Readers,

Nancy Pelosi has planned a visit to Taiwan despite China’s objection. China is claiming Taiwan as part of China, but the Taiwanese do not believe that and according to Taiwan’s prime minister Tsai Ing-wen. Taiwan is a democratic country and they have accepted same sex marriage as well, which is nowhere in the dictionary of China. However, while Pelosi is not a member of the Biden administration, she is known as a policy maker and Biden always follow her advice. Pelosi is probably there to make some kind of deal with Taiwan.

The USA is the biggest and most important clients of the largest manufacturer of semiconductor auto chips outside of China. President Trump disconnected the old base, by curtailing technology transfers to China and imports from there after Covid problems. US auto manufacturers had to shut down their lines of production due to the shortage of auto chips. Automakers went to Taiwan for the chip manufacturing. Taiwan was the chief provider of what the US automakers needed. Taiwan was unable to fulfill the heavy demand, but at least did continue providing chips to automakers after raising the prices of automobiles.

Per AP: “MASKWACIS, Alberta (AP) – Pope Francis issued a historic apology Monday for the Catholic Church’s cooperation with Canada’s ‘catastrophic’ policy of Indigenous residential schools, saying the forced assimilation of Native peoples into Christian society destroyed their cultures, severed families and marginalized generations. ‘I am deeply sorry,’ Francis said to applause from school survivors and Indigenous community members gathered at a former residential school south of Edmonton, Alberta.

“He called the school policy a ‘disastrous error’ that was incompatible with the Gospel and said further investigation and healing is needed… “I humbly beg forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against the Indigenous peoples,’ Francis said… More than 150,000 native children in Canada were forced to attend government-funded Christian schools from the 19th century until the 1970s in an effort to isolate them from the influence of their homes and culture. The aim was to Christianize and assimilate them into mainstream society, which previous Canadian governments considered superior.”

There are 7,900 hospitals and IDNs in the United States. It’s a competitive medical field where every hospital wants to stay on the top, or at least of the top 20. Per US News 2022-2023, the top 20 hospitals are; 1. Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minn.), 2. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles), 3. NYU Langone Hospitals (New York City), 4. Cleveland Clinic, 5. Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore) (tie), 5. UCLA Medical Center (Los Angeles) (tie), 7. New York-Presbyterian Hospital (New York City), 8. Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston), 9. Northwestern Memorial Hospital (Chicago), 10. Stanford (Calif.) Hospital, 11. Barnes-Jewish Hospital (St. Louis), 12. UCSF Medical Center (San Francisco), 13. Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania-Penn Presbyterian (Philadelphia), 14. Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Boston), 15. Houston Methodist Hospital, 16. Mount Sinai Hospital (New York City), 17. Michigan Medicine (Ann Arbor), 18. Mayo Clinic (Phoenix), 19. Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Nashville, Tenn.), 20. Rush University Medical Center (Chicago).

Robert Wood Johnson Hospital has been names one of the top 5 hospitals in the state of New Jersey. (Morristown Medical Center, Hackensack Meridian Health Hackensack University Medical Center, Valley Hospital, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Overlook Medical Center).

The Fed Reserve increased interest rates again, this time by 3/4%. While the Biden Administration hopes that this will help to curb inflation, the chance of a full-on recession is still rising. All this comes as President Biden just recently recovered from COVID-19.

Have a wonderful week. I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
