Young Entrepreneur: Haley

Owner & Founder of: Haley’s Yummy Lemonade

Established 2020

Photo Credit: Andrea Dialect

I made that time check on 6.30.22 it was @ 9:00 a.m. on that Friday morning. I questioned myself as I took that quick glimpse at the clock just before taking that second glance back. At the time I was scoping out locations for an upcoming photo shoot. But the blue and yellow stand that caught my eye would have never made it as an afterthought had I not spotted the little cutie perched behind it.

Honestly, the marketing pull was on point but logically not half as effective as seeing her sitting there. Just to think that one of our little me’s was out there at 9 a.m. on a Friday morn selling lemonade, now how impressive is that?

Business was in a steady flow; some rolling up on fours and others on foot which was also pretty impressive. It was that moment of truth that made me buy into this little lady’s pursuits and what I tasted then and there was the perfect mix. A well-spent two bucks for sure, and I’m certain this one will be taking me for more lol.

At eleven years of age Little Miss Haley who I want to be like when I grow up might I add, is on to something; and I am quite certain that this won’t be the last we’ll be hearing or seeing from this well mannered, intelligent and extraordinary young entrepreneur. Awesome job mom and dad!

Business 101

This is Andrea Dialect this recording is being made on 6.30.22 @ 9:30 a.m. Subject:  Haley’s Yummy Lemonade take 1…

“Hi, I’m Haley and that’s my mom Tysheka. I started selling lemonade because one day my mom was looking through pictures and she said that we should set up a lemonade stand, and I agreed and said that it sounded pretty fun.

“First, we started out with my cardboard lemonade stand but it was really windy during that time, and it would always fall down. Wood is a lot heavier and would be a lot sturdier, so we built a wood lemonade stand and it looks a lot better. Well, my mom built the lemonade stand. Yes, she knows her way around a toolbox. I think it took about five days to make it.

“We just made this lemonade stand about a year ago. I sold a lot but last year was kind of iffy because of the rain and stuff. But this year I’m getting a lot more sales than I got last year. Yes, we do go to other locations if there is a vending opp and I’m open to invitations.

Product Development

“I think that I get my entrepreneurial spirit from my grandpa, for over 25 years he’s owned the Laundromat and my mom yes, she is my biggest supporter. I sell mini bottles and gallon size lemonade. Making lemonade is pretty easy; the hardest part is extracting the juice, pressing the lemons. My mom developed our recipe by watching videos and experimenting with recipes and stuff to make the perfect mix.

“It didn’t take long to create it was just right almost after the first try. My auntie suggested that she wrote it down exactly as she made it because it was perfect and we make it the same way every time. People come back for and get the same exact taste every time.

“Usually, people buy a bottle or two at a time and come back if they want more. But, the highest I’ve sold at one time was ten bottles. A gallon is like buying 10 bottles and we originally make the lemonade in a gallon-sized container and, then we pour it into the mini bottles. So, if someone wants a jug we just put a sticker on it.

“The bottles are also cap sealed; presentation means a lot. The small bottle is two dollars, and a gallon is $20. I have repeat consumers that buy the gallon size. Mostly males like my Karate Sensei Barrette, he usually gets them. They usually order those in advance. We also will be adding popsicles and strawberry lemonade soon.

When I Grow Up

“My hours of operation are roughly between 10 a.m. and 4:00 pm every day because my mom decided that rather than going to camp, I could sell my lemonade instead. I shut things down around 4:00 because I have karate class to go to a couple of days a week. Usually, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and I also have my duties as the Karate school’s secretary. My grandpa has given me a space to store my stand which makes it easier to set up, break things down and do things.

Portfolio Review

“I guess this is it for now, because I haven’t decided what I want to do as far as being more of an entrepreneur. But I am really good at drawing. I can make a Fritos bag, like when I draw a Fritos bag, I can make it look real. I do it free hand I don’t trace or anything. I found out that I could draw about like a year ago.

“I started drawing from YouTube tutorials then my mom got me a sketchbook. I started out drawing regular bodies and that’s when I really started drawing because why would I get it if I didn’t want to try it out. 

“I started with the YouTube tutorials, and I was really good at the tutorials, but I figured out that it was too easy. So I started my drawing from pictures because I wanted to challenge myself because it’s much harder to draw. A lot of people trace but I don’t trace it because normally it’s not what you’re supposed to do.

“My mom is a teacher and she recently had me draw a picture of the Mayor of East Orange Mayor Ted Green for a classroom project. What I do is look at the picture, then I draw a copy. My cousins ask me to draw, a lot of my cousins asked.  Like, say my cousin Cameron asked me to draw a Star Wars character for him; I would draw it for him and he might stick it on his wall. I don’t usually give prices for now; I usually just draw for fun and just give it to people. I think I get my drawing from my grandma!

First Things First

“Although selling lemonade is kinda my job, Mom has things scheduled for me to do. I have to do my reading, writing, math and keep up with my academics. I usually read a chapter or so from my books and practice my Kumon even though it’s summertime because my school can be pretty tough. It was difficult at first but things are much better now. Yeah, I guess this is it for now…  My name is Haley and I sell lemonade!”


  • Noa Mintz, founder of Nannies by Noa
  • George Matus, founder of Teal
  • Mikaila Ulmer, founder and CEO of Me & the Bees Lemonade
  • Mihir Garimella, creator of Firefly
  • Moziah “Mo” Bridges, founder of Mo’s Bows
  • Rachel Zietz, founder of Gladiator Lacrosse
  • Banerjee, founder of Braigo Labs
  • Ben Pasternak, founder & CEO of Flogg
  • Malala Yousafzai, women’s education advocate, the youngest Nobel Laureate ever
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