Hello Readers,

Local Talk and I would like to pray for former Mayor of East Orange Robert Bowser. Local Talk appreciated him and his work, as he was the first to respond and we interviewed him for our very first publication. Mayor Bowser even distributed our first newspaper coming down from his office and giving a copy to the first person who walked into City Hall.

Bowser was a well-qualified individual to be Mayor of East Orange, and under his tenure crime was reduced drastically in the city. It went from being the worst city in the Local Talk circulation area to one of the safer cities. Nationally, law enforcement departments were looking at the success and many cities came over to visit East Orange for their drastic change in addressing crime. Local Talk’s staff and I will pray for his soul and offer condolences to his family and friends.

U.S. consumption of oil went down drastically at the time the Pandemic started in 2020. In 2021, the U.S. used about 19.78 million barrels a day. On March 30, 2022, President Biden announced he would release 1 million barrels a day for the next six months. That means 180 million barrels within six months. We have 264 billion barrels of recoverable oil reserves, with Biden ready to release 180 million barrels, which is about .6% of the reserves, and way less than the consumption of oil, which is at .025%. It is a drop in the bucket and will not impact anything at all. This will not make any difference in the oil industry. If they are not ready to accept Biden’s phone call, how we can convince them to produce more oil?

Six people were killed in a Sacramento shooting. Both suspects were apprehended. A mass shooting like this is not a one-time mishap, but has been ongoing since the past few years, one after another. The problem is our mindset, people hating each other, and we are divided to a certain extent. Also, people are getting angry at the smallest things, so mental calmness is necessary for all. It is easy to blame someone, but as it is said, there is no problem without a solution. If everyone thinks that way, we all together can change this world. That starts from electing the right person, not the right group. The elected officials have more power to change our lives through the laws they are making. So, by electing the right person, you get someone who can hopefully discharge their duties for the benefit of the people if elected.

In Newark, 15 year old Mawa Doumbia was missing since October 7, 2016. It was reported that she was strangulated, and her remains were found in a vacant building after almost 3 years on May 9, 2019. Those remains were positively identified on November 5, 2021, and after another few months, Khalil A. Wheeler Weaver was charged with the murder. It took a long time to investigate and to officially charge him. The Essex County Prosecutor’s Office had enough staff to work with, and other agencies like the Essex County Sheriff, FBI, State Attorney General and other sources to help them solve the case. For the family and friends, it would still feel like it went very slow.

By law, Wheeler Weaver is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. He is currently serving 160 years in prison for murdering three women and an attempted murder, all in 2016.

Have a wonderful week. I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
