EDITORIAL by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

Justice Stephen Breyer will step down after 27 years of judgeship on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Breyer is the oldest member of the Court at 83 years old. Now President Joe Biden has a chance to propose his choice of nominee for the position.

Biden nominated 13 judges on Jan. 25 for the circuit court. Out of those, 4 judges are Black, and three are women. He has nominated the first African-American woman – and the first woman of color – ever to serve on the Third Circuit. Also, a Bangladeshi Muslim woman has been nominated as well.  The way the reports are, Biden is heading to make history by nominating the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. The indication is that Biden will nominate Arianna J. Freeman for the Supreme Court Judge. This is a good choice for Biden. Once he decides, he stick to that, like he did in selecting Kamala Harris as his running mate.

The State Supreme court of Alaska has approved ranked choice voting. However, it is not exactly the same as New York city voting in 2021. Alaska will hold it’s primary on August 16, 2022. It is not the primary we all think of, as there is no party system. Everyone can contest without any party affiliation.

When Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Biden a question about inflation, he murmured and was caught on microphone saying to the reporter, “What a son of B…” Biden was very strict when it came to speech with his staff. He said that he would fire anyone that disrespected reporters on the spot, whoever he/she is. Biden said one thing to the staff, but acted differently himself.

However, Biden apologized for using foul language to Doocy. Sometimes the stress of the job can get to you, even if you’re the President.

San Jose, California, is looking to become the first city in the United States to bring a daring resolution. The mayor is proposing to enforce an ordinance requiring gun owners to pay a fee and carry liability insurance. It is not a ban, but a starting point to have gun control. San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo has the guts to go against the powerful gun manufacturer lobby. The city council has already voted in favor of the resolution for the first reading. The second reading will be a month away. Once they approve it in the second reading and the mayor signs off, it becomes law. I think it will reduce gun violence. However, the gun lobby will file a lawsuit against the ordinance, stating that it goes against the second amendment.

Once it becomes law, everyone has to declare their guns and it becomes public record, so less and less people will buy guns in my opinion. As long as this kind of law happens throughout the county, it will reduce gun violence.

There’s been another murder in East Orange. For a while, East Orange was quiet when it came to crime. However, lately the perception is changing. 

  Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
