By Lev D. Zilbermints

SOUTH ORANGE – About 200 people attended the January 6th Mobilization for Democracy protest rally in South Orange on January 6, 2021. The event, which was held in Kroll Plaza’s public square, featured speakers, politicians, activists, educators, and others.

According to the organizers, at least 38 organizations sponsored the event. These sponsoring the event included New Jersey Working Families Party; Temple B’nai Shalom of West Orange; Communications Workers of America; New Jersey Education Association; 32 BJ; Seton Hall University faculty; People’s organization for Progress; NJ 11th for Change; SOMA Action; Our Plan of Action; Planned Parenthood; American Civil Liberties Union; Clean Water Action; and many others.

Speakers at the event included Sue Altman of NJWFP; Sheena Collum. South Orange Village President; Rabbi Tobin of B’nai Shalom; Hetty Rosenstein, Our Plan of Action; Representative Donald Payne Jr., NJ-10; Mayor Ras Baraka, Newark, NJ; Mila Jasey, State Assembly, NJ-27; Fran Ehret, Director, Communications Workers of America; Sean Spiller, President, New Jersey Education Association; Kevin Brown, 32 BJ; Reverend Dr. Forrest Pritchett, Professor, Seton Hall University; Maria Rodriguez – Gregg, former NJ State Representative; Larry Hamm, Chair, People’s Organization for Progress; Leslie Bockol, NJ 11th for Change; Ritu Pancholy Bachhawat, SOMA Action Grassroots leaders.

The rally was held as a means of mobilizing support for democracy. Numerous speakers said that the only way to prevent another January 6, 2021 – type event from occurring was to make several things happen. These included abolishing the filibuster; making the President directly elected by the voters; abolishing the Electoral College; having same-day voter registration; passing legislation to protect voting rights; building a mass movement; and others.

“Local Talk” saw incredible diversity at the rally. Holding electric candles, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Latinos, whites, all participated in the rally. There was a feeling that the fate of democracy in America was at stake. Copies of the U.S. Constitution and small U.S. flags were distributed. Snacks were available for those who were hungry.

According to the event program, the rally began at 6:30 p.m. with Sue Altman of NJWFP opening the program. South Orange Village President Sheena Collum welcomed the attendees to the Mobilization for Democracy Rally. Rabbi Tobin of B’Nai Shalom in West Orange delivered the opening remarks, followed by a moment of silence.

As blue, red and white balloons fluttered in the chilly January evening, the event got off to a roaring start. Chants of “Resist! Resist!” were heard. Speakers urged attendees to resist fascism, Republican attempts to rewrite the Constitution, and impose and authoritarian regime.

Congressman Donald Payne Jr., Democrat of New Jersey, 10th Congressional District, called on the United States Senate to pass voting rights legislation to protect democracy. Proposed legislation includes the Freedom to Vote Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and the Protecting Our Democracy Act. 

Payne said that “we never thought of being threatened (on January 6, 2021).” According to Payne, 19 states passed 33 laws making it harder to vote. This must stop for our democracy to continue. We need to pass law guaranteeing the right to vote. 25 states have passed 60 laws to expanding voting. January 6, 2021 showed us that we must act to protect democracy. Let’s keep democracy safe for all Americans!”

As this article was being written up on January 10, word came via Twitter that Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation codifying marriage equality into state law. According to Murphy, “New Jersey is stronger and fairer when every member of our LGBTQ+ family is valued and given equal protection under the law.”

Fran Ehret, Director, Communications Workers of America, was the next speaker. According to Ehret, “I wish I could say I was shocked and surprised (by January 6, 2021) but I can’t. Smashing windows, threatening people because they (the insurrection mob) did not want Pence to certify the legitimate winner… Tell me what democracy looks like!”

The audience responded with a chant, “Vote, Protest Peacefully!”

Sean Spiller, President of New Jersey Education Association, told the audience that our schools are under attack by people who think books are more dangerous than assault rifles. Hitting his fist on the podium, Spiller shouted loudly, “This moment is the moment that will determine the future of our country, whether we will have a democracy or not!!”

Kevin Brown, of 32 BJ, said, “Democracy is on the line. (The 2021) Insurrection was an attack on democratic values. Nor did it end on January 6, 2021. Democracy is gravely wounded. Democratic institutions facing attack. Truth is under attack. Then fear what the truth says. Our nation is not perfect. It is about speaking truth to power!”

Dr. Forrest Pritchess, a professor from Seton Hall University, told the audience that slavery and fight for equality has been around in America since the sixteenth century. Pritchess cited examples of Spanish coming to America in 1526; the English in the 1600s; the American Revolutionary War in the 1700s; the Civil War in the 1800s; and the Civil Rights Movement in the 20th century. What is happening in the 21st century is a continuation of what went before, Dr. Pritchess said.

Maria Rodriguez-Gregg, a former New Jersey State Representative, was introduced as a Republican who “never endorsed Trump.” Rodriguez-Gregg said that she wanted the Republican Party leaders to “stand up and demand accountability. The 2020 election was not stolen! It is past time to end unaccountability!”

The former representative described of enduring pressure from her colleagues to endorse Trump. She said that she refused to do so.

Donald Jeffries of SOMA and NAACP told the audience, “We are on a mission to recruit 500 members and 500 new voters. January 6, 2021 was only just the beginning. NAACP is at the forefront of protecting voting rights. We must vote at every level of government. We must stand together. A house divided cannot stand.”

Larry Hamm, Chair of People’s Organization for Progress, gave a rousing speech. Well-known as a speaker, Hamm began with a slogan, “What do we want? Democracy! When do we want it? Now! Show what democracy looks like!”

“Democracy has been in danger for quite some time,” Hamm said. “My grandfather fought in World War I in a racially segregated army. My father fought in World War II. He joined the army to fight against fascism. And fascism is what we are fighting against in the United Stated. Fascism is not a new problem. Trump represents fascism. My father fought against fascism.”

Other speakers said that there are more than 250 white supremacist groups dedicated to overthrowing the government. White supremacists have infiltrated the police force, military, right-wing groups. Republicans in 32 states want to change the Constitution in their image.

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By Dhiren
