EDITORIAL by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and a Happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all. Hopefully, the upcoming year of 2022 will be better for all of us.

Omicron is taking over the media and people’s minds. The authorities, administration, and medical experts are trying to act for the betterment of the people. However, there is a sense of political inclination that does not allow them to do the right thing. There have been mixed messages, including Dr. Fauci, where they are changing their opinion many times. It happened on Dec. 17, where he gave the message that Omicron has hardly had any impact and very few hospitalizations. On Dec. 20, he changed his voice and forecast a very bad winter as far as Omicron is concerned. 

Cory Booker, our local senator and former mayor of Newark has been tested positive despite being fully vaccinated and having taken a booster as well. The same happened with Senator Elizabeth Warren and many other house representatives (members of congress). Many football players and other sports stars have tested positive, despite having a booster shot already. However, the government is not declaring what kind of vaccine they took, even after a booster shot, and tested positive. I understand there might be a panic, but people might stop taking vaccines. Maybe Moderna or Johnson and Johnson are not as effective as Pfizer. Moderna also came up with the booster shot. Like they claim, a 50 micrograms dose is 37 times more effective than no vaccine, and a 100 mg dose is 83 times more effective than no vaccine. However, the way they explain it, might be true, but it’s not believable in layman’s terms. If any vaccination has any side effects or does not protect from the coronavirus, all three companies are immune and no one can sue any of them for being ineffective.

Out of 4,000 active-duty soldiers, only 103 have been booted out for refusing the Covid vaccine. On December 16, 2021 – According to Politico: “The Marine Corps has booted 103 of its members for refusing the Covid vaccine, the service announced on Thursday, even as all the military branches report that a vast majority of troops have gotten the shots. The news comes the same day the Army announced that it has relieved six leaders – including two commanding officers – over the issue, and that almost 4,000 active-duty soldiers have refused the vaccine. The two Army officers, both of whom commanded active-duty battalions, join Navy Cmdr. Lucian Kins, the executive officer of the destroyer USS Winston S. Churchill, who was relieved this month, as the highest-ranking officers to be punished for defying the order.”

As of January 1, 2022 new owners, EOH Acquisition Group, LLC will take over East Orange General Hospital. Best of luck to the new team in becoming part of the community and giving the right message for the betterment of their health. The local community of East Orange, Orange, some part of Newark, Maplewood, Irvington does need a hospital close by and getting faster treatment with a personalized touch.

I give credit to the strong personality of Joe Manchin. We are electing representatives and senators, not to represent Democratic or Republican objectives, but to represent the people of the United States of America. For the first time in recent history, one senator became steadfast in his decision to save the country in his own opinion. Most of the time, all of the representatives are dummies, just voting for the party, and do not think about the people, but think about the party bosses and party supporters. They get millions of dollars in donations, to pass benefits to the rich, while in their speeches talk against the rich. Why not to have blind voting, so no one knows who voted, and all the representatives can vote with their conscience?      

  Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
