EDITORIAL by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

The most notable patriot in our time was Colin Powell. He was the first African American to serve as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State. He is originally from New York with Jamaican heritage, and studied at City College. He was the chairman of the Board of Visitors. He worked with presidents Nixon, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. After his retirement, he was active in the political arena and when Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, he endorsed Obama in a surprise announcement.

He had a likeable personality. He was a real patriot. He kept the nation ahead of any political dreams. I haven’t heard any negative news about him as a person. He was well known amongst everyone, including residents of the United States and all over the world. From Nixon to Biden, everyone asked for his advice.

In addition to being the first African American Joint Chiefs of Staff chair and Secretary of State, he held many other positions and honors, including being a two-time recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Vice President Kamala Harris said that Powell did it with dignity and grace.

President Biden has the lowest approval rating since he took office. Every month, he is losing his popularity and now it is about 38 to 43% approval of his job, and 48 to 53% disapproval. He should stop blaming Trump and work for the best interest of the people of the United States of America. He is 78 years old, and he may not run for the presidency again, so he has to make a big change to work for the people, rather than politicians and lobbyists. Maybe his approval rating might go down, but when people see that he is really doing the job for the people, his approval rating will go up.

His handling of the economy is another issue. Under his leadership, the price of oil has gone up drastically, as well as rates for commodities. Many economists are talking about inflation. If inflation comes, the middle class will hurt the most. Hopefully, experts under Biden will find a way to sustain our economy and not let foreign countries take advantage. We have to be careful about China, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and many other countries. He has improved our relationship with European countries. He is well awake for global warming. However, in the coal, steel and the shipping industries, prices will go up. He must get support from big industry owners, like Amazon, Facebook, General Motors, Twitter, Ford Motors, and others leading many industries. Without their support, prices will not stay within a certain limit, and inflation will wreck the livelihood of people.

November’s election is around the corner. Early voting will open up this coming Saturday. Please take your, time and make sure your important vote is part of the process. Each drop of water makes the ocean, and each vote will make the change in our lifestyles. Incumbent Phil Murphy (Democrat) and Jack Ciattarelli (Republican) are the main people running for governor. There are three other candidates, who do not have any real chance according to the polls. Murphy is the leading candidate by about 10 points, 50 to 40, and he maybe the likely winner in the upcoming election. 

  Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
