EDITORIAL By Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

California Governor Gavin Newsome survived a recall effort by a landslide. He received over 66% of the vote in his favor denying the recall. Most of the time, people have a tendency to say yes on ballot questions. However, this time it was different, as Newsom spent so much money to keep his credibility and future in the political arena. Larry Elder, a Libertarian, conceded his defeat to Newsom, but added that the match is far from over. He will contest in the next election (November 2022).

According to NBC news: “Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles, considered one of the world’s greatest gymnasts, broke down in tears Wednesday as she shared her story as a survivor of being sexual abused by USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar. Biles, who has won 25 world championship medals and seven Olympic medals for Team USA, said in her opening statement that she believes the abuse happened because organizations created by Congress to protect her as an athlete – USA Gymnastics and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee – ‘ailed to do their jobs.’… Her testimony comes after a Justice Department inspector general report released in July detailed the FBI’s mishandling of the case against Nassar. Biles said that after reading the report, she felt the FBI ‘turned a blind eye to us.’”

What a corrupt system shown in this high-level investigation. The same thing is happening in our local area as well. The system has to be changed, so people can get justice.

COVID-19 has jumped up in the USA and now the new cases were over 142,000 on Sept. 14. The deaths from COVID-19 are a little under 2,000 daily.  New cases in the US jumped up about 15 times and deaths are about 6 times higher from June 2021. What is the reason? While I believe that freedom should be there and no one should be forced to vaccinate themselves, I do believe that everyone should get vaccinated, so we do not get sick, and slowly and gradually we can curb this pandemic.

The statue of the first African

American mayor of the Newark, New Jersey has been unveiled at Newark City Hall. Kenneth Gibson was honored in a ceremony on Sept. 14. His impact was huge in Newark, and so it was quite suitable for him to receive such an honor.

Those do not have full auto insurance, may get some money for damages from Tropical Storm Ida. They might be able to get some money through FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). You may be qualified for FEMA now that places like Essex County have been added to the Federal Disaster list. Check with FEMA to see if they can address damages to your house, auto, and otherwise.

  Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
