By Dhiren Shah

Newark Mayor Baraka issued a mandatory executive order for city employees to vaccinate. Baraka stated, “Requiring our municipal workers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine is about protecting the health and well-being of our municipal team, their families, as well as the residents and visitors they come into contact with.”

However, city employees were unhappy with the way it was mandated. Vaccination should be the people’s choice and not the compulsory.

Anthony Tarantino, President of the Newark Fire Officers Union, said that the mayor did not bother to call the union either. They received the executive order letter from the mayor, and then the Union went to court and received a temporary stay. The deadline for the original executive order stay is September 16, 2021. The city has not reinstated the executive order yet.

Several employees’ unions held a protest on Sept. 8 at 11am. The permit was from 11 am to 1 pm at the steps of Newark City Hall.

Tarantino said that the mandate is in contradiction to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s mandate. The governor’s mandate allows for tests once or twice a week for those who choose not to be vaccinated. Also, there are some religious and medical exemptions. However, with Baraka’s order, if an exempt employee tests positive, he/she can be terminated from their job. However, if a vaccinated person tests positive, he/she will be required to quarantine for 2 weeks. Why isn’t the same rule applied for exempt employees as well?

Tarantino said that the union wants Mayor Baraka to come to the table for negotiations. Tarantino added that the union wants the mayor to go in-line with the governor’s order and not fire or terminate any employees.

“I expect about 1000 to 1500 employees to join the protest,” Tarantino said before the event.

The protest was open to all city employees. More than 1,500 employees joined a spirited and peaceful protest. Roads were not closed, and many cars and buses passing by joined in support by honking their horns.

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By Dhiren
