EDITORIAL by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

Hurricane Ida, one of the strongest hurricanes to ever hit the US mainland. Eight electrical towers collapsed due to strong winds up to 150 miles per hour, and that left all of New Orleans without power. Usually, it takes up between 1 to 1.5 hours to fix one pole. This time, it is towers, so the utility companies do not know how long it will take. Most of New Orleans could be without power for a week to a month. On Aug. 31, the temperature was 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and no power means no air conditioning. About eight shelters were open for people to cool down, but it helped only a fraction of the population.

By now, most of you have gotten the news that seven fully vaccinated persons have died due to COVID-19. This news is a little old, as it happened on or about August 16, 2021. However, I did not receive any investigative news after that. It is very important that the cause of death for those seven persons, who lost their lives after vaccination, is thoroughly investigated. However, our administration is too busy trying to force everyone to get a vaccination.

On August 30, about 75 doctors from hospitals in South Florida took part in a symbolic walk out. There is a surge in unvaccinated patients at hospitals across Florida. Only the state of Florida had over 150,000 new Covid-19 patients in the past week. The US has over 156,000 cases and over 1,200 deaths in a day. Florida, California, Texas and Georgia are leading the nation in new Covid-19 cases. I haven’t heard anyone getting the real record on the vaccines and their effects on human bodies. I don’t say that vaccination is wrong, but we must collect the statistics for our future as well as the next generation. Due to politics and business, it is going only one way. We all should have two goals in mind; one, get vaccinated, and two, look at the impact of vaccination on our body and mind.

Politicians won over politicians! This is a story about the City of Orange Township. A question was placed on the referendum. As usual, any question on a referendum passes. And it did. The mayor and his team have supported cannabis businesses in Orange. The councilpersons are the voice for their constituents. The majority of the councilpersons voted to ban cannabis businesses in Orange. Mayor Dwayne Warren vetoed the resolution rejected by the majority of the council. There was a timeline to stop the cannabis businesses. So, the council called an emergency meeting outside of the building they were locked out of and overrode the veto of the mayor – a veto of a veto. Now, Orange cannot have cannabis businesses in its city limits. Naturally, there will be a court case. The mayor is trying to fight with the language the council used to ban the cannabis business in Orange. Orange has joined many other cities to ban cannabis businesses.

President Biden said on Aug. 31 that he is fully responsible for the decision he made to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan. However, he blamed Trump for the mess. Trump has been gone almost eight months and the decision to withdraw is solely by Biden. Afghanistan was in control of the Afghan government with the support of the US troops. As soon as the troops started leaving, the Taliban took control of the country within 11 days. Over 300,000 Afghan military officers did not do anything and handed over control of Afghanistan. The Afghani President fled so fast he left millions of dollars of assets behind, much of it on the runway. It shows the weakness of the Afghan military, or maybe a lot of those trained soldiers were secretly Taliban the whole time, and made us look like fools. If that is true, then the US was training the Taliban to fight against the US. Meanwhile, billions of dollars in equipment was left behind, and some smart Taliban soldiers might figure out how to make use of it – or sell it.

  Have a wonderful week. I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
