An already dangerous situation overseas has now reached critical mass, as innocent lives – including those of America’s armed forces – have been taken.

On Aug. 26, ISIS-K took responsibility for what was believed to be two suicide bombings at both a checkpoint to enter the airport and a hotel, along with deadly gunfire. However, on Aug. 27, officials at the Pentagon announced that there was only one bombing, and not two as previously suspected. Despite this, 180 Afghans and 13 U.S. service members, which was comprised of Marines, Army and Navy personnel, were killed. At least 18 more military officers were injured.

“Jill and I – our hearts ache, like I’m sure all of you do as well, for all those Afghan families who have lost loved ones, including small children, or been wounded in this vicious attack. And we’re outraged as well as heartbroken,” said President Biden is response to the attack.

“Being the father of an Army major who served for a year in Iraq and, before that, was in Kosovo as a U.S. attorney for the better part of six months in the middle of a war – when he came home after a year in Iraq, he was diagnosed, like many, many coming home, with an aggressive and lethal cancer of the brain – who we lost…

“…To those who carried out this attack, as well as anyone who wishes America harm, know this: We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay. I will defend our interests and our people with every measure at my command…

“…We will not be deterred by terrorists. We will not let them stop our mission. We will continue the evacuation.

“I’ve also ordered my commanders to develop operational plans to strike ISIS-K assets, leadership, and facilities. We will respond with force and precision at our time, at the place we choose, and the moment of our choosing.

“Here is what you need to know: These ISIS terrorists will not win. We will rescue the Americans who are there. We will get out our Afghan allies out, and our mission will go on. America will not be intimidated…”

Many Americans, including those on both sides of the political aisle, have slammed Biden’s handling of the situation. Among those critical of the Commander-in-Chief is the man who previously held his position.

“It’s so sad. It’s probably from the standpoint of military tactics and just embarrassment, the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to our country; we look like fools all over the world, we are weak, we are pathetic, we are being led by people that have no idea what they are doing,” the former POTUS said on a Fox News show.

“They take the military out and then they say now we will bring out the people, then all of a sudden, the Taliban walks in. We had the Taliban so under control they would not have moved without getting our approval. We had an incredible agreement. They weren’t killing our soldiers…

“I want to tell you, I think our soldiers, even civilians, I think our soldiers are in tremendous danger. I think airplanes flying in and out of the airport are in tremendous danger. They (the Taliban) now have the best equipment, best rockets, best tanks and helicopters, Apache helicopters, a lot of them, that are immensely valuable, and by the way, Russia wants them because they want to examine them because we have far superior technology, and China wants them…

“This is the dumbest thing – I think it was the dumbest move anybody has ever made perhaps in the history of our country, allowing this to happen, taking the military out and then say ‘Oh, we hope to get the people out’,” he added.

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