EDITORIAL by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

Zaila Avant-garde made history by becoming the first African American to win the Scripps Spelling Bee winner two weeks ago. The 14-year-old spelled and won the competition with the winning word “MURRAYA” a genus of tropical Asiatic and Australian trees, and celebrated with a twirl onstage under confetti. Jody Ann Maxwell from Kingston, Jamaica also won the Scripps National Spelling Bee competition in 1998. Jody made history as the first non-American to win the competition in 1998. Jody was selected after winning the Jamaica National Spelling Bee Championship.

U.S. life expectancy plunged by 1.5 years in 2020. In 2019, it was 78.8 years. By the end of 2020, life expectancy was 77.3 years, which is 1.5 years reduced. The major reason is the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic. However, that was not the only reason in my opinion. Crime increased dramatically. In a pandemic, people should help each other, but due to Donald Trump and Democratic Party partisanship, there was no surety of a safe and peaceful life. Also, mental stress, people not trusting each other, political wrongdoing, too much power control and many other reasons added to a decline in our life expectancy. In 1970. life expectancy was 70.1 years. That means people are living longer than 50 years ago by an average of about 8 years.

The Delta Variant is spreading within the United States. California is leading in the third wave of virus. This time, it is more problematic and deadly. The U.S. had a little over 8000 daily cases a month ago, June 20th. Now as of July 20th, the U.S. has over 44,000 cases a day. Also, the deaths are increasing slowly. The U.S. was #18 a few weeks ago; now the U.S. is back to number #2 in the world.

Florida is leading the country in new daily cases in the U.S. and California is #2 for the most cases. The majority of the cases are the new Delta Variant, as stated by a pediatrician in California. She said that the hospitals are full of COVID cases. She warned everyone to wear masks to protect themselves and others as well. Even if you have been vaccinated, you still can spread the virus, so to protect others, you must wear a mask. Also, wash your hands frequently.

The worst part yet to come. The government is giving money to cities and townships freely. So, right now the cities are in an okay but not good position. However, within a couple of years, the states and the cities will find ways to raise money. So, be prepared when cities make new rules to raise our taxes, or service charges, or parking charges. It’s our money, but they will find new ways to get more of it. Taxes will increase, directly or indirectly, and the city will raise the budget. The government will always find out way to increase your taxes.

Congratulations to Local 108 and Essex County for their 4th successful vaccination event with 48 vaccinations.

  Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
