Editorial by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

President Biden revoked the Trump administration’s executive orders on China and its companies like TikTok and WeChat. Even though Biden’s policy has tried to restrict the use of information, can we trust China and the companies who have our information and sold it to Hong Kong. We must be very careful with China. Especially since the reports of the coronavirus leaking from a Wuhan laboratory, and China acting selfishly as if they don’t care about the rest of the world.

178 hospital workers who declined getting vaccinated have been suspended in the Houston Methodist Hospital system. They were demonstrating their disbelief about the vaccines. Their protest might get them fired from work, which only time will tell. It will not be easy for the administration as well, because those dedicated workers are hard to find. Houston Methodist CEO Marc Boom said that out of 178 workers, 27 have been vaccinated once, and he is hopeful that those 27 will at least get their second shot. Boom added, “An additional 285 employees received a medical or religious exemption, and 332 were granted deferrals for pregnancy and other reasons.”

First responders and medical staff has worked day and night to save the lives of Covid patients, and they have worked with many departments, people and government as well. Some of the medical staff has lost their lives while working for humanitarian reasons. So, it is not a good thing to force them to do something and fire them, as medical staffs have not been fully vaccinated all over the country. The vaccination rates are between 50 and 90%. So, by letting go the rest of the 10% and forcing them into a mandatory vaccination, this is not a good thing.

Also, Pfizer and Moderna have the best vaccines, as some experts say. However, none of the vaccines are fully approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Vaccination has been approved for emergency use only. I received both vaccination shots before April, and I believe everyone should take a vaccination to make our lives normal like pre-pandemic. But everyone has their own opinion, and as long as the FDA has not fully approved the vaccines, no one should be forced to take them.

According to CNN: “New Yorkers have a surprise gift to look forward to for this Independence Day: a second Statue of Liberty sent by France. This new bronze statue, nicknamed the ‘little sister,’ is one-sixteenth the size of the world-famous one that stands on Liberty Island. On Monday, during a special ceremony, the smaller sibling was lifted and loaded into a special container at the National Museum of Arts and Crafts (CNAM) in central Paris, where it has been installed since 2011 in the museum’s garden. It will be erected on Ellis Island, just across the water from the original, from July 1 to July 5. The statue, over 450 kilograms (992 pounds) in weight and just shy of 10 feet tall, was first made in 2009. It is an exact replica of the original 1878 plaster model preserved by CNAM.”

It’s good news for the U.S., as after World War II our relations with France have improved and it is good to have close ties with them.

  Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
