Advertorial By Michele Lowe

Hello again, everyone. I left you with full attention. If it’s not one thing, just another. Just over the weekend, I was catching up on two updates, regarding two different situations. two different states, but the same time frame. This is terrible. I have been out of words, but we all have to be aware regardless of wherever we are.

The first is at Sacramento, California. A family traveling along together was gunned down by a biker gang. I saw the breaking news. I assumed the usual, police gunning down, bullets fired, black man killed. But when I looked again, this was different. What kind of war gets fought on a highway? A family with their two children in the back, one baby in a car seat. Suddenly, a biker gang opened fire on their vehicle.

I mean, why? Was it because they were driving under the speed limit and the biker gang wanted to go around? What drove those bikers to insanity? To shoot that family up like that is such a low blow. While the father did not survive, thank God that the others did. Truly, condolences go out to the family mourning the lost father, who did what he had to do to protect his family.

The second incident took place in North West Miami. Just pitiful. A 12-year-old boy collapsed in front of a convenient store and bystanders. From my understanding, he was brutally sexually assaulted and shot as well. What is this world coming to? A kid for God’s sake, just abducted off the street and dropped right back on the streets like trash, and then shot. Lord have mercy on his poor little soul, because this world is cold.

Now getting back to the first incident. It was an isolated murder. I call it road rage. I mean, no one knows what drove these bikers to do that. Surveillance is along the highway. This case should not be hard to solve. This family had both little ones in the back seat. Unfortunately, they weren’t so fortunate.

Then, there’s the case of the man who did such bodily harm to a child for God’s sake. The only thing that needs to happen is the death penalty. This young boy will have a lot of reconstructing in his mindset. I am truly sorry for what happened. My stomach is churning by the thought of this incident, which was just cold-evil. This is a child.

Thank you to all of the people who came to the rescue and to protect the convenient store workers. My message to all is that you should love your close ones deeply. You never know what when the calling comes. Next day is never promised. Give a hug to your loved ones today.


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By Dhiren
