Hello Readers,

On April 4th, India reported over 100,000 coronavirus cases – not the total since the pandemic started, but on that day alone! It was over 133,00 cases. The country is under the rule of Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party, who has proved himself worthy of being Prime Minister of India. However, some of the states are under different party rule. So, for whatever reason, Modi has not declared a state of emergency and locked down the entire country. Despite the sharp increases in cases, comparatively, India does not have lot of deaths. So, they are taking it very easy, even after so many are COVID-19 positive. I hope they come to their senses and adhere to the CDC guidelines: masks, social distancing, and sanitization, no large gatherings and vaccination.

There is more huge news from India. Anil Deshmukh, Home Minister of the State of Maharashtra, where Mumbai is located, had to resign. The reason is unbelievable. He had instructed the police department to collect 100 crores of rupees (1 billion rupees or about 15 million US dollars) every month from many businesses. In Maharashtra, the government is formed by three different parties. Their goal is to skim money from any sources they can. Also, the state of Maharashtra has the highest COVID cases in India. They (all ministers and party members involved) should be punished to the maximum penalty the law allows. The Chief Minister of Maharashtra should resign immediately.

There were 20 mass shootings within a two week span. The racism is at the highest peak. It is not only bad citizens, but our elected leaders are at fault. We elect our representatives to represent the people, not the party. When there is a resolution, where there might be some good and some bad, they negotiate mainly for the benefit of some groups or companies in the committee meetings and private talks, but do not think about the people. When it comes to voting, they only vote for what their party bosses say.

If they think about the people, how come most of the time it’s a party line vote? So, in that sense, they should be addressed as Democratic Party Senators and Democratic Party Congresspersons and Republican Party Senators and Republican Party Congresspersons. Like Democratic Party Senator Booker or Democratic Party Congressman Payne. Politics and groupism is killing the voice of the people. It is about money and power. This is my opinion, and some of the readers I have talked share that opinion too.

POLITICAL CORRUPTION has become part of our regular life. Political corruption has ruined honesty, integrity and truthfulness. Forty years ago, people were not only honest, but the elected council people in the townships and cities worked for the people, at almost no charge. Most of the time, the activists become the council members, and they were getting paid very little, but they were happy with the respect in the community and thinking that they have done a great job for the people.

Now, times are different. Even on the local level, it’s all politics. They spend a lot of money to brainwash people. Even when they have power, they do not let newcomers and competing candidates contact voters. The system needs a change. There should be blind voting at the council meetings, as well as the assemblies, the houses, and the senates. Blind voting means that they will vote with their consciousness rather than their party, and that might work for the benefit of the people in my opinion. Blind voting will cut off campaigning for lobbyists and has a chance of reducing corruption. 

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
