Hello Readers,

Shootings have made havoc around the country and the world. Two weeks, two incidents; one in Atlanta, Georgia and the other one in Boulder, Colorado. The Atlanta spa shootings took eight lives, six of them Asian and two Caucasians. In the Colorado shooting, 10 lives were lost. Both seems like single person rampages, who had their own motivations for their crimes. However, one common thing stands out in both shootings and many more in the past – guns with multiple bullet cartridges.

The gun lobby is strong. But why we are electing those sold-out senators and congress people who support the gun lobby? Donald Trump was in favor of the gun lobby, but Joe Biden and the Democrats are not. That might be just on the surface. Our elected leaders who are practically owned by different groups can sell you anything. But if the people are united, no one, I mean no one, can stop them from passing gun control laws. Forget about what else they are doing, if they support the gun lobby, and protecting gun manufacturers and gun organizations like the National Rifle Association, we should not elect them.

Vice President Kamala Harris urged both houses of congress to pass gun laws. Right now, Democrats can pass them in the House of Representatives, as they have a clear majority. However, to pass the law and make it permanent, it must be passed with 60 votes in the Senate. The democrats have only 50 votes and maybe one deciding vote at the time of tie. However, the strong gun lobby will not allow Republicans to vote against them, as they are their biggest supporters.

Also, Democrat Joe Manchin has already said he is against very strict gun legislation, so they couldn’t even do something smaller with Harris as the tiebreaker.

Joe Biden can change some laws by an executive order, but it cannot be permanent, and cannot force the states to comply with it. So, passage in both houses is the right way to deal with stronger gun laws.

 The Colorado shooting suspect, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa 21, was arrested in 2018 when he was 18 years old for assaulting a fellow student. Three years later, he killed 10 people. Why? It is a huge question that arises in everyone’s minds. I would mostly blame the system. The legal system in this country is a money making system for the government and government workers. It’s more like a business to them. More than 85% cases get settled without a real trial. The prosecutors are paid with taxpayer money and defendants have to fight for their rights with their own money. If they are proven innocent, the government does not lose any money, except it goes on their records.

Also, some honest police officers catch some criminals, but they get out of the jail faster than they went in the jail. Additionally, in the name of humanitarian rights, the prisoners get more amenities in the jail then out of the jail in the United States of America. So, most of them are not afraid of jail.

There should be a two-way layered point system in my opinion. With a 1st minor level offense for a non-criminal (1 point) the person should be released immediately. Any criminal offense adds 1 to 4 points depending upon their severity of the crime. Up to 5 points, they go to a mild jail. But, after that, it should be a harder jail without nice amenities. After the 3rd offense, no TV, no games, only work for them. They must be afraid of jail / prison, not thinking of it as a second home.

I wish there will be a change in the minds of our elected officials after these horrific crimes, and better support for stronger gun control laws. . 

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
