Hello Readers,

President Joseph Biden is trying hard to find out the ways to expedite the process of vaccination. However, the coronavirus cases are slowly increasing in the United States. Texas, New York, California, Florida, New Jersey and some other states have a slight uphill battle with virus cases. The Biden administration is pushing hard to increase vaccinations to reduce the impact of COVID-19.

Biden’s administration is sending masks to poor communities, thinking that they will use the masks. However, they should stop thinking about one community over the other. We should think of the United States as a whole, and think about how to control the virus within every part of the United States. Also, even today, some communities think that the coronavirus is hoax, while other communities thinks that vaccinations are problematic. Plus, the African American community does not have great trust in mainstream medicine.

According to The Washington Post, “This history of medical racism is often shorthanded to a single word: Tuskegee. For 40 years the United States Public Health Service, working with the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, tracked the progression of untreated syphilis in poor Black men, even after effective treatments for the disease became available – an appalling ethical violation that cost Black people their lives. News coverage in 1972 drew attention to the study, and the resulting public pressure brought it to an end. But the Tuskegee study is just one of the more recent and well-known episodes in the centuries-long history of medical neglect, abuse and exploitation of Black Americans.

The exploitation of Black people in the future United States began the moment enslaved Africans first disembarked on these shores, and the medical abuse of the enslaved was inextricably linked to their bondage. Doctors plied their trade in the slave quarters of Southern plantations to protect the slaveholder’s bottom line, rather than to ensure the well-being of the enslaved, and the cures they offered were often worse than the diseases they aimed to treat. In return, they got to practice their craft on non-consenting patients with no access to legal remedies should they be harmed in the course of treatment, as many were.”

In the United States, up until February 22, 2021, there were about 65 million vaccines distributed. However, only 19.9 million doses have been used. So, only about 30% of the vaccines have been used. The Federal Government is distributing the vaccines, but the state distribution is under state, county and city control. I have talked to many people in different states, but the topic is only one now: vaccination. Every place is nothing but mismanagement by the states and local government. It was good that they made different layers to get a vaccination, but without proper management they cannot keep up with the rules of the system. Those who make the system do not follow it, and their friends and family members get a vaccination.

On the other side of the aisle, African Americans are hesitant to vaccinate. I have about 14 doctors in my extended family and we talk about it many times. Some of the medical practitioners have stated that vaccination is good. Even though there is no guarantee that you would not catch coronavirus after getting vaccinated, at least you may not need to go to a hospital if you are positive. After a few weeks, the vaccine will give your immune system strength to fight the coronavirus. So, read about it and make a wise decision. If more than 70% of the population gets vaccinated, there is a chance that we may no longer need masks and other restrictions.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
