By Michele Lowe

Every day, I am thankful just to have life. I take time out of my daily routine to read all types of things, and some recent news I came across within social media live streaming which I would like to share with you.

Sometimes you might have criminals online, distributors of drugs online, murder online, and not only that, sometimes murder online live on the net. Where and what has the world come to! I just don’t understand. How can someone so bluntly commit such a crime by online streaming? This was cold, and a smack in the face for the world.

This incident happened in Vacaville, California. What drove this man to such a heinous crime of insanity? We have crimes within our city as well the internet (cyber). We must protect ourselves all day, keep our eyes open and safeguard ourselves. Let me tell you something, seeing this just so live it was just horrifying. I say, why do some of us as people overlook and ignore this.

I was raised to mind my own business if it doesn’t obtain to me. But in this case, it happened in an apartment building. You mean to tell me no one heard those two women? No neighbors or anyone heard the screams?

It took about six hours for authorities to finally get there. I’m on social media a lot of times. I do not appreciate some things, but I am speaking out for other people.

This may be soothing to individuals. I pray every day. My prayers go to those two women. RIP and may their families get justice.

There is so much going on today in this world, even with COVID-19. When does the madness stop; police brutality, gun and domestic violence, trafficking and so much more crime? It is so much pressure to put on someone. I always say that we all have hard times, struggling in this economy. Did you all just take timeout to think that we are free? There are others that are not across many countries.

We can be and do better. Don’t underestimate yourself or get discouraged. Times are hard for everyone, don’t hurt people. Let’s take an oath for 2021 not to hurt anyone. I wish everyone the best.

Thank you all for listening to me and my opinion.


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By Dhiren
