by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

President Biden has signed over 25 executive orders since he took charge. Last week, I wrote about 17 executive orders. The Climate Change Executive Order was signed Jan. 27. He made his central issues COVID-19 and Climate Change. However, as I previously said, the management to vaccinate people around the country is very disorganized.

Biden has banned the Keystone XL Pipeline. That means we would not produce enough oil and we’ll have to import, which will benefit oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia. The US imports about 6% petroleum and about 7% crude oil from Saudi Arabia. In January 2008, we used to import about 1,503 barrels per day; in January 2012, about 1,423 barrels per day; in January 2016, about 1,054 barrels per day; and in January 2020, about 407 barrels per day. So, the prices were really low on the gas pumps.

The average gas prices in 2008 was $3.25; in 2012, $3.62; in 2016, $2.14: and in 2020, $2.17. USA Today mentioned in its January 1 issue that gas prices of $3 are a distant memory. However, the way Biden signed the executive orders, the prices at the pump have already gone up about 20 to 30%. Please do not bring it back up to $3.50 or $4 a gallon. The home heating oil prices were about $1.29 a gallon and now, it is about $2.03 a gallon.

Biden has picked a good team so far for his Cabinet members. As some pundit said, it will divide two groups within the democratic party.

The second impeachment of Donald Trump was delivered to the US Senate on Jan. 25. Donald Trump is the first president to be impeached twice. In the first attempt, Trump was acquitted. This is the second attempt by the House, and this time there were 10 Republican representatives who voted with all the Democrats for the impeachment. Now, on February 9th, the latest impeachment proceedings will begin. If the Democrats bring witnesses, the trial will drag on, as Republicans would cry foul, since no witnesses were used at the House impeachment. Now, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is trying to negotiate with Republican leader Mitch McConnell. It will be interesting to see. Also, there would be a chance for Trump to defend himself. I don’t know what will happen, as it will take turns based on political importance.

In New Jersey, they have the state portal and county portal, hospital portal, and city websites for vaccinations. My wife and I took the appointment with Atlantic Health system, a large corporation, and after spending a little over an hour, I got the appointment for both of us. After two days, we received a phone call from the doctor’s office. We took the appointment from their portal that they do not give vaccines to anyone. Now we are back at square one. The state does not have any management at all. Why does everyone have to register in so many portals and give out our private information to so many? Why not have a centralized system? I don’t think Governor Murphy would understand though. .

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
