by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

There is less than one week left before Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris are sworn-in as President and Vice President of the United States of America. His first 100 days pledge is to get 100 million people vaccinated and promote unity between the parties. However, unity is required for the people of the United States of America, not just the political parties.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer pushed hard on impeaching President Donald Trump for a second time. If impeached he cannot run again in 2024. However, pushing to the extreme will make unity exceedingly difficult. Within the families, if you criticize one family member and then ask him/her to talk about family unity, it does not work. If you want to unite, someone must talk nicely and then point out their negative points, but do not start attacking and then asking them to unite.

So far in the world, just under two million people have lost their lives due to COVID-19. Nearly 400,000 people have lost their lives in the United States. India has about 25% more cases than Brazil and about 25% less deaths than Brazil. The United States is leading in the world in coronavirus cases (around 23 million) and deaths (well over 380,000). India is getting it under control, as daily cases last month were about 90,000; now, it is about 15,000.

The reason I am talking about India is that they are more organized than the US. In India, the government representative comes to your house and registers everyone for vaccination. They have three priority groups like ours, healthcare and frontline workers, persons over 50 years old and the last is all others. They publicize what precautions are required at the time of vaccination…30 minute rest at the site after vaccination, and if there is a problem, inform the nearest health authorities. People can register online or at government centers.

Once registered, they will inform you for the date, time and place of vaccination. They give the second dose after 28 days and they make sure that the person gets it without a problem. As stated, getting the second dose in time will increase your immunity. It is especially important that no one can get a vaccination without registration.

America is not professionally managed, and we have to register, which everyone has to find out how and find the portal for registration (there is also a portal for pre-registration) and then do not know when and how they will be vaccinated. I heard that some of the influential people are jumping the line and getting vaccinated ahead of others.

In America, California received 3,435,650 doses, but only 891,489 (26%) have been vaccinated. New York received 1,796,850 doses and 632,473 (35%) got vaccinated while in New Jersey, 654,900 received doses and 262,982 (40%) are vaccinated. New Jersey is doing good so far, but West Virginia is doing the best job, with 69% of their doses resulting in vaccination. North Dakota, South Dakota, Rhode Island and Connecticut have gotten their vaccination doses above 50%. California is still leading in the nation for new cases and new deaths. Texas is leading in the recovery section, followed by California.

There are a few deaths after vaccination; one was a doctor, and one was a healthy person in India. However, the problems are very few in those who took the vaccines. So, it is better to get vaccinated and live your life worry free.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
