Hello Readers,

Christmas is right around the corner. But except for light decorations and tree decorations, the enthusiasm is lacking. Coronavirus has taken the joy away from people, even their right to gather with others to pray. I am not blaming the elected officials. However, when they make rules that they do not follow themselves, I do not like it.

It is happened recently with California Governor Gavin Newsom, who dined with family and friends in a nice restaurant, indoors, violating his own rules. He also lied, saying that he was dining outdoors, but when someone took pictures, he had to apologize to Californians and the world for lying and breaking his own guidelines.

In August, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went indoors to get her hair done and was caught in a camera video.

According to the Guardian; “San Francisco’s mayor, London Breed, is under fire after it was revealed that she attended a birthday party at the restaurant in Napa Valley, just one night after Governor Gavin Newsom did the same. Breed’s party of eight met at the famed restaurant on November 7 to celebrate the birthday of Gorretti Lo Lui, a local socialite whose husband, Lawrence Lui, is a major hotel developer, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.”

Some of the politicians take advantage of their position. We must use our voting right to kick them out of office. Do not elect those politicians, who take advantage of their elected post.

Iran’s top nuclear scientist was assassinated by a remote-controlled machine gun. Iran has blamed Israel for the assassination. Israel has not responded and kept themselves silent. Israel has not denied or claimed the assassination. In the US, it has leaked out that Israel gave information about the plan. Whether it is true or not, this act of violence may trigger a war.

According to CNN, “The threat level to Americans in the region has not increased since the attack, particularly because Iran is blaming Israel for the assassination, the official said. But the US believes the Iranians have not yet retaliated for the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite military force and the country’s second most powerful leader, and that is the area the US intelligence community is watching right now, the official said.”

One might think this was a plan of the Trump Administration, as the President sent Secretary of State Pompeo to Israel and Saudi Arabia about two months ago. On November 23, Pompeo went to Saudi Arabia again and while Prime Minister Netanyahu flew to meet the Saudi Prince. Whether Israel did it or not, they have to figure out how to defend in case of war. Hopefully there will not be one.

Please stay safe, wear masks and keep social distancing.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
