Hello Readers,

Local Talk Newspaper began printing on November 1, 2000. I saw that the quality of life had not been improved due to lack of news, or one-sided information and negativity in the news. So, to make it different, I called my friend Dr. Margaret Lucas. She responded and came to my office within 30 minutes. Due to my printing business, I was ready to spend $500 per month. Our efforts were successful; people responded well and within a little over a year, Local Talk shifted from monthly to weekly. We have tried our best to uplift the quality of life.

However, I am not happy. Quality of life has improved a little in the past 20 years, but it should have been improved drastically. My assumption is that due to politics, quality of life is not improving. I am not blaming anyone particularly, but the fault lies at both sides. The politicians are playing politics to have control, instill nepotism, and lock in their own future gains. People are so naive that they are voting for the same people over and over again.

On behalf of Local Talk’s staff and myself, I would like to thank the readers who have supported us, and the advertisers who have supported our finances, a few politicians and elected officials who have supported us for giving us the news that people love to read, volunteers who donated their valuable time, Local Talk’s staff who work tirelessly to improve the quality of the newspaper, my family members who have supported me for my entrepreneurship, and last but not least, my wife, who took care of me during those ups and downs.

I hope people do not follow the power, but follow the leaders who are doing good for the people. These leaders hold their position without following contractors and large businesspeople, but rather follow the people who voted for them. We state that we are the boss of the mayors, but, in reality, they work as a boss, not you. A good mayor manages and improves the quality of life for the people.

The mayors of Newark, East Orange, Irvington, and Orange have stated that there will be a 24-hour shutdown or maybe even a 3 day shutdown for all 4 cities due to the coronavirus. They have not laid out their complete plan, so some people I spoke with are wondering what will come from such a shutdown.

The shutdown of the stores at night did not work. COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing. Essex County has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the state, and every day it is going up. From November 16 to November 17, there were 357 cases in Essex County. The numbers are increasing, but the recovery rate is not increasing. It is good that they are trying to do something. But, temporarily closing or shutting down may not be the solution. When they are open, people do not follow CDC guidelines.

Georgia’s Senatorial runoff election is very important. If both seats go to the Democrats, there 46 seats will become 48 and with 2 independents. Since the independents vote with the Democrats, it will be 50 votes to each party. In the event of any ties, the deciding vote go to the Vice President, which would be Kamala Harris. If the Republican wins one or both seats, they will keep the majority. So, this race will be critical for the future of our country.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren

One thought on “EDITORIAL”
  1. In London we – or at least I – have experienced lockdowns that, first, lasted three or four months and the second one is for one month although we have been told that some of the measures will be worse post lockdown depending on whether we are category 1, 2 or 3. So far, however, food stores have remained open although there can be long queues. Hopefully the 1-3 day locdowns in New Jersey won’t mean all the food shops are shut in the area for that long.

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