New Restrictions Ordered in City – Particularly in Three Zip Codes By Thomas Ellis II

Over the past month, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been spreading in Newark. Because of the city’s sharp rise in the numbers, Mayor Ras J. Baraka put in place some harder orders shutting down parts of the city.

This surge in numbers shows that one in four people tested positive in one week in the East Ward. It makes it looks like Newark is failing during the COVID-19 Crisis.

There are several new restrictions that are being put in place. Initially, non-essential businesses could operate to some extent, and people were able to go to some restaurants and dine in. Now, restaurants are being ordered to close at 8 pm. Last but not least, curfews have been put in place for three area codes: 07104, 07105, and 07107. This is not just for businesses, but for the residents. Everyone in those areas must be in the house by 9 pm, unless they are coming from work.

Barbershops, salons, and similar businesses in the city are no longer allowed to have people waiting on the premises. All patrons must now have an appointment, with the business cleaning up and sanitizing after each customer. This rule applies to gyms, who must sanitize every hour on the hour before letting people use the facilities.

Newark has five wards – North, South, East, West, and Central – but it’s been said that Newark is one city, not split as such. Basically, what effects one ward affects the whole city, and the residents of Newark needs to recognize that.

With Newark being the largest city in the state of New Jersey people all over are watching Newark to see how they handle this pandemic. In the beginning months, the city was shut down for several months; that included businesses, churches, doctors’ offices, and the schools. Here we are seven months later, and it looks like Newark is going backwards with the numbers going up daily.

If more people in the city would adhere to the COVID-19 prevention measures, that would help to bring the numbers down. Now, it looks like we have to flatten the curve in certain sections of the city.

Here are a few tips on how to be safe during this COVID-19 Pandemic: Wear your mask when in large crowds or shopping; Make sure your mask is clean. You cannot wear your mask for a week or two weeks without washing it – or just put on a new mask.

Try to avoid large crowds if all possible, get tested every 30 days, if you have not been tested, go get tested ASAP, wash your hands frequently, practice social distancing, and most importantly, think about not only your safety but the safety of others, including family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and especially the elderly.

We know that the elderly are more vulnerable than others because of age, and some health conditions. So, if you’re around a lot of people and not practicing preventive measures, you’re more apt to spread the virus to your grandparents and other relatives, as well as friends that might have a weak immune system.

The key for Newark is to take this pandemic seriously. That way, the numbers can go down and the city can open up to 50 or 75%.

As long as we are not taking this COVID-19 crisis seriously, people will become unemployed, businesses will fold, schools will never re-open for in-service learning, and the city will never get back to normal.

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By Dhiren
