Hello Readers,

The election is right around the corner, and everyone is talking about it. The Hunter Biden deals are going up on the networks and social media rapidly. Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, spoke on the Tucker Carlson Tonight show for about 45 minutes. If the information he gave is true, then Joe Biden has knowledge of the dealings with Ukraine and China. That is horrible for the country, taking advantage of a father’s position as Vice President of the United States of America.

Meanwhile, Biden said before that he will announce what he would do about the Supreme Court right after the vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett as a Justice. Biden has denied the idea of packing the court in the primaries. According to the New York Times, a full supporter of Biden, “Joseph R. Biden Jr., who for weeks has declined to clarify his position on progressive activists’ calls to expand the Supreme Court to add liberal justices, said in a new interview that if elected, he would establish a bipartisan commission of scholars to study possible ways to overhaul the judicial branch.”

For the first time, I think many democrats will vote for Trump, even though they don’t like his tweeting, speeches, and him as a person even. Right now, Trump is trailing behind an average 7.1 percent points according to realclearpolitics,com. According to two very reliable polls, Emerson has Biden leading by 5 points and Rasmussen reports Trump leading by 1 point.

At some places, people are waiting in line 3 or 3.5 hours long to cast a ballot; that includes New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. According to the law, voters should not wait more than half an hour. The board of elections has placed a few polling places, which are very mismanaged. Many in New Jersey are complaining that they do not trust the mail system and thew majority of them are trying to go to the ballot boxes and drop off their votes. I do have some faith in the mail system, so I dropped mine off at the post office.

According to AP News: “Officers were called to the Cobbs Creek neighborhood and encountered the man, later identified as Walter Wallace, who was holding a knife, Little (police spokesperson Tanya Little) said. Officers ordered Wallace to drop the knife, but he instead ‘advanced towards’ them. Both officers then fired ‘several times,’ Little said.” Then, a violent protest injured 30 officers and led to dozens of arrests.

The violent protesting spread out to Brooklyn, New York. Kris Seals told me that, “When it comes to police and the use of force, it should be as a following reaction, not an initial action.” I agree with him. I understand that being a police officer is not an easy job, especially with the tensions of the “Black Lives Matter” movement and COVID-19.

There must be protocols and training for the police officers. At the same time, there must be a message to the community to not initiate violence. Those who spread out money to incite violence must get at least 10-year automatic jail terms, without parole, in my opinion.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
