Woman Saves Turtle in its Time of Need ALL INNOCENT LIVES MATTER – EVEN ANIMALS By Michele Lowe

Approx. 12:53 140 S. Grove Street, Bloomfield NJ. I just got off the Bus # 90. I crossed the street, directly on the corner side-walk. I noticed that there was a turtle laying down, flipped over. It was unbelievable, very hurtful looking and just sad. There had been bruising, bleeding and open wounds. There were people I saw approaching in distance. I managed to get their attention. Only 2 persons stood ,with caring love for the turtle I explained to the other folks.

This is illegal in the state of New Jersey. So I called Bloomfield Police. While on the phone with the operator, they asked me for a location and other information, and said there would be a police car on its way. As for the turtle, I kept trying to see if it was still alive. Still no signs yet. From what I know about turtles, they heal and live a long-time.

The Police finally arrived on the scene. When they got there, everyone started to leave because help saved the day. I was so happy and relieved. The Police asked me some brief questions. They were very understanding officers. I explained from the beginning to end. We all knew from the look of the turtle it was most likely abused. While standing with both officers. Officer 1 put his gloves on and picked up the turtle. Checking every little detail of it, he said it’s a boy. He placed it back down on the ground. We all are keeping high hopes for the turtle. Officer 2 called Bloomfield Animal Control Department.

While waiting for the Animal Control Department, the turtle started moving and slowly walked to the officer that picked him up. I told the officer, “I think he wants to be with you.”

We all left when animal control finally arrived, and he said, “Okay little buddy, we are going to get you together.” He called in to report the turtle to headquarters. He remained on the phone giving all the information, and told us that was wrong with the turtle.

I asked him why he doesn’t just take the turtle home. The turtle as we all have seen is attached to him. Then I said that I can keep the turtle. He said he must check with the department for testing and to make sure it was safe to release him. The officer obtained my information.

I stuck around the whole day. Officer 3 said to me that it was a great news; I could have the turtle. I was on my way to my home. I was joyful and made my home as the turtle’s home.

I would like to thank the Bloomfield Police Department and Bloomfield Animal Control Department.


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By Dhiren
